Chapter 12 : Draupadi's Confession

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Arjun is practicing from the dawn. It's midnight now. His mind is totally not in a calm state. Draupadi and Karn's interaction was flashing before his eyes repeatedly. Karn's besotted glance on  Draupadi is piercing his mind every time. Did that Sutaputra really thought he is worthy of the princess? She is way beyond his reach.
And Draupadi? Why her glance is full of devotion for Karn? Pitamah is all praises of her. He tested their relationship himself and Pitamah said to everyone that this in one of the strongest bond he has seen. Can this be more funnier than it already is! Arjun later understood she might have pitied Karn and to save his honor she garlanded him. Of course that's the reason. Why will she garland him otherwise? She will definitely leave him after some time. Then she will choose someone else as her husband. He won her swayamvar before. It doesn't require rocket science to understand that she will choose him. Arjun smirked. He must see Karn's face that time. Maybe he will make a trip to Anga with her.

Draupadi, the woman who stole his heart in first glance. She gives him the same aura as his Madhav. Their serene smile is all the same, their aura is divine, their posture is elegant. It's like she is Madhav's mirror. And Madhav calls her sakhi too. Arjun wants these two people by his side always. It's true he is furious at Draupadi and she will get her punishment for rejecting him of course.

Draupadi has been avoiding Karn all day. Because whenever he sees her, he smirks. The nerve! After him being extremely shameless with a woman, he is acting like nothing happened. He should be apologizing. She won't talk to him unless he apologizes, Draupadi thought.

"May I ask why Maharani is so cold towards her Maharaj?" Draupadi's thought broke as Karn locked her chamber from inside. She didn't notice when the maids left as well.

Draupadi became nervous all in a sudden. Blush crept on her face as Karn pulled her closer by her wrist.

"I didn't know Yagnaseni knows how to be shy," Karn teased.


Karn kissed her forehead softly. Her shyness proves she is affected by his touch as much as he is. Her slightly trembling body under him is a huge encouragement but he must control his urges for now.

"Stop ignoring me," Karn whispered.

Draupadi buried her face in his neck as her arms encircled around his torso. A grin showing on her face. She is shy but this closeness of their relationship is so magical. She enjoys everytime they are close. Karn wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her hair. She is the part of his heart which was missing and now she owes his heart completely. If she wants he will happily dig out his heart and submit at her feet.

"How was your Sabha?" Draupadi broke the silence.

"The Sabha was good but my heart was aching all time," Karn said seriously.

Draupadi broke the embrace. Tension visible on her face. Is her Arya sick?

"Let me call the ved," she was about to go but Karn pulled her back.

"Maharani was ignoring my poor self. Now that she forgave me and took me in her arms, my chest pain is gone like it never existed," Karn whispered.

Draupadi blushed. He is so cheesey with his words sometimes.

"Arya, leave me. It's time for lunch," Draupadi whispered.

"Is it? But I want you close to me. The lunch can wait," Karn whined as he pressed her body closer to his.

Draupadi smelled his sandalwood fragnance. It's such a beautiful feeling to be in the arms of the man you love. Such a feeling of contentment, such peace and calmness. The fire in her has found a home for herself in this strong arms.

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