Chapter 14 : First Night

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Soon news spread about Karn getting cursed all over the Aryavarta. Some people sympathized with them while others rebuked them for holding onto his vow so firmly. It's foolish to be so loyal to your wife. She would have accepted his remarriage anyway.

Duryodhana and Ashwatthama were extremely angry. They send letters that Karn should execute that woman. But Karn declined. Maharaj Draupad was worried about everything altogether. There's one person who was happy about this. He is none other than Arjun. He smirked the whole time while practicing. Serves him right. No, serves both of them right. She was so proud about choosing that Suta over him. Now face it. And Karn, he really thought he will always be happy with Draupadi. Well, dream on. Because soon she is going to be separated from you. Arjun snickered.

Karn was laying on Draupadi's lap to prevent her from running away. He must be the first husband in history who needs to whine for his wife's attention. He took her hand and placed a kiss on it. Draupadi smiled.

Karn pulled Draupadi on his lap and placed a kiss on her ear.

"Priye?" he called.

"Hmm," Draupadi hummed.

"Get ready for tonight," he said.

"Are we going somewhere, Arya?" Draupadi asked.

"Get ready like you were on our first night in Panchal," he whispered huskily.

Draupadi blushed as she lowered her head. Her heart started to beat faster. She gulped not being able to look at him.

"Let us start our time from that day. Let us become one," Karn nuzzled her neck.

"Ar...Arya..." Draupadi stuttered feeling his hot breath on her neck.

"I will wait for you," Karn kissed her forehead.

Draupadi sat there a hand on her chest. Her face flushing a brilliant red. His touch still tingling. Her heart started to beat faster in both nervousness and anticipation.

Draupadi looked around the chamber. It was decorated with flowers. Their bed was almost covered with rose petals. She has gotten ready the same way she was at Panchal. She caressed her arms that were exposed for her sleeveless blouse. Strange, she wasn't this shy that day. What happened to her now? Why the butterflies in her stomach. This nervous waiting for him? What is happening? She couldn't sit straight at all. She went to the balcony gazing at the moon. It's full moon today. Looking at it, she felt her nervousness leave her a bit.

Karn stood outside the chamber with a box in his hand. After he met her in the Shiva temple, that day he brought this beautiful anklets. He didn't know why he brought them. He just did. While buying it, he could only think how beautiful it would look on her. How beautiful will they sound when she would ran around wearing them. The time has come now. To finally return them to their owner.

He entered their chamber. His eyes desperately looking for the woman who is responsible for his disobedient heart. Her back came to his view. She was looking at moon lost in her thoughts.

"Priye," he called.

She turned around making his breath stop. She can easily put the Apsaras in shame. Her blouse showed most of her cleavage, her waist completely bare, the thin beautiful skirt made her curves more visible. Only ornaments she had were made of flowers. She walked in front of him and touched his feets.

Karn gently pulled her up by her chin and made her look into his eyes. Draupadi lowered her eyes under his intense gaze on her. It made her nervous.

"So divine," Karn whispered.

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