Chapter 18: Growing Feelings

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Draupadi and Karn controlled their laughter walking behind a fuming Duryodhana. Today, king of Shalya proposed for Bhanumati's hand in marriage. Maharaj and Maharani asked for Bhanumati's opinion. And to their surprise she agreed.

"Can you believe that woman?" Duryodhana yelled.

"Duryodhana, let it go. It's her decision," Karn tried to assure him.

"No, mitra. She has to understand this. She is mine. How could she accept that old kings proposal?" Duryodhana shouted.

One thing Draupadi understood about Duryodhana is he is as hot blooded as his Mitra. Ashwatthama is a little calm minded though he is also easy to anger. They truly make an amazing trio. Last time her Bhrata Dhrishtadyumna joined them making them the most hot blooded group of Aryavarta.

"Bhratashree, calm down. How about you confess to her rather than threatening her?" she tried to reason.

"Confess?" confusion marged in Duryodhana's face.

Draupadi facepalmed. This man doesn't even know what a confession is! How will he confess then?

"Bhratashree how about you softly without threatening to abduct her or to attack on her kingdom ask for her hand? I mean very affectionatly with a soft voice," Draupadi tried to instruct.

"Bhabishree, help me. Only you can help me. Please tell me what to do," Duryodhana cried holding Draupadi's hands tightly.

Karn looked at him annoyed. He trusts Duryodhana more than anything. But he can't help but be jealous. Draupadi is only his. How can anyone else touch her!

"Bhratashree, how about we invite her this afternoon to spend time with us? We will make her realize how much you love her," Draupadi proposed.

Duryodhana's eyes shone like a kids. He shook Draupadi's hands furiously.

"You are amazing, Bhabishree. I will get ready. Please invite her," he ran to his chamber.

Draupadi giggled seeing that her husband Karn standing there pouting. Why are they so alike? As if they are brothers.

"Arya, you need to stop being jealous," Draupadi scolded him smiling.

Karn shook his head before wrapping his strong arms around her waist. He pecked her lips softly.

"You are mine," he whispered.

"And will always be until my soul leaves my body," Draupadi finished the sentence.

They look deep into each other's eyes. Their eyes expressing their love for each other, promise to stay by each other's side, complete trust in each other.

In the evening, Draupadi slapped her forehead. Duryodhana is looking like a groom. She looked at Karn helplessly who was snickering on the bed.

Bhanumati was escastic to be invited by her. She agreed immediately. But as soon as she entered the chamber, she frowned. What is that man doing here!

"Come inside, Bhanu," Draupadi called affectionately.

Bhanumati pouted with a little blush. They are the same age but Draupadi acts like she is a child. She can't say it but she really enjoys it as well. She always longed for an elder sister.

They sat on the bed while servants provided them with snacks. They began to talk and lose themselves in their conversation. Bhanumati glanced at the man Infront of her. He is so carefree almost like a child now. He would whine like a child to Draupadi and tease Karn back. If Karn becomes too annoyed, he pouts and melts his heart. Bhanumati blushed looking down. He looks so beautiful laughing while throwing his head back.

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