❖ Chapter 22 ❖

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12:37 AM



Sometimes I wished to be a heavy sleeper at times like these. My eyes didn't hesitate to open as a voice cursed in the dark, followed by their shaky breaths and small gasps.

Now I could have easily gone back to sleep if it weren't for the lamp in the room suddenly turning on, nearly blinding me as my eyes were so used to the dark.

"Who turned on the light...?" Virgo shuffled around in the space beside me, hugging a pillow while peeking an eye open.

We agreed to share a bed and no not for the reasons you think. Turns out the guest room only had two beds and because there was four of us, we ended up playing rock, paper, scissors for a spot. Sag had demolished Leo in a best of 31 and earned a spot for herself, while Virgo and I tied more times than I could keep up with. Both of us being miserable for having the same brain and because it had gotten so late, we just agreed to share the bed as long as we didn't touch.

And because of that little rule, I was at the very edge of the bed, nearly falling off while being positioned like a log.

"I thought someone was getting attacked!" Leo was standing next to the lamp, a hair brush gripped tightly in his hand like he was planning to use it as a weapon.

"We're inside..??" I muttered, questioning his logic.

"Trust me, that changes nothing." Leo insisted, appearing paranoid for some reason. Maybe Libra said something to him.

"Sorry, that was me." Sag was sat up in bed, awkwardly avoiding eye contact while rubbing her wary eyes. "A shitty dream."

Leo relaxed a little, sliding down to the floor and back to where his sleeping bag was. "Was it the zombie-eating kind of dream?"

Sag made up a face, shaking her head. "Oh, I'd much prefer a dream like that than the one I got."

"That bad? Yeesh." I couldn't imagine what she dreamed about if she considered flesh-eating zombies lower on the "shitty dream" scale.

Sag shrugged but said no more about the dream, not bothering to go into details like I had hoped. She instead hopped right out of bed, shoving her feet into the worn sneakers laid beside the nightstand and grabbing up her jacket she had tossed on the floor earlier.

"I'm gonna go keep a lookout." She explained once she saw our looks of confusion.

"Have fun. Turn off the light." Virgo sent her off with a wave of the hand, her head currently under the covers. She was definitely not a night owl.

"Someone's probably already looking out, right?" Leo guessed, tilting his head.

"Well I'll join them, if that's the case. I'm not sleeping anytime soon."

"I am. Lights out." Virgo snapped her fingers, tossing over so that her back was facing towards me.

Sag rolled her eyes, turning off the light at Virgo's request. It was pitch black once again and my eyes adjusted to the sudden change just in time to see Sag slipping out the room, shutting the door behind her.

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