❖ Chapter 4 ❖

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Cancer's decision is:
Tell the authorities


I pushed out my cheeks, tilting my head as I leaned forward and rested my arms on the surface of the table, unable to block out the chatter from around me. I sleepily rubbed my eyes, gazing back and forth between both Libra and Gem.

"It was TWO months ago, Lib!" Gem cried out in annoyance, running his hand through his curly pink hair while his deep brown eyes stared bug-eyed at the other male.

"And I STILL didn't forget." Libra sneered back in response while crossing his arms over his chest, though I could tell he wasn't really mad. He always put up a front, just to guilt trip other people.

Gem looked like he was close to ripping his hair out of his head. He inhaled a sharp breath, narrowing his eyes at Libra while he flexed his fingers. "Bro, do you even want that game anymore??"

"No, but I want the money."

Gem groaned, slamming his head down on the flat surface of the table and rubbing his eyes out of exhaustion. I could only hold in a small laugh from the two fussing over a small thing, before taking my container of cheese fries and shoving a handful of them into my mouth.

It was lunchtime at the moment, and as much as I disliked being in a such a loud environment with so many people, this was the one cafeteria in a handful of schools that served actual good food. Sitting with my so-called 'squad' and hearing them babble about random bullshit was just a bonus.

"Ahhh, cheese again? My lactose intolerance is gonna have a field day."

I picked my head up and glanced over my shoulder, noticing Sag with her tray of cheese fries, heading towards our table with Capricorn coming up behind her. Besides the two of them, I could see everyone else getting their own food and paying at the cash register like usual.

I tugged my hoodie over my head and pulled my earbuds out of my pocket, knowing that it was soon to get louder and louder as each person showed up.

"That's why I told you to get the salad! You're gonna get a bad stomachache!" Capricorn told her younger sister in that usual motherly tone, jabbing the brunette in the rib while having a pout on her face.

Sag just groaned, sticking her tongue out in disgust before setting her tray down on the table and sitting down herself. Capricorn sat down beside her while still having a pout on her face, beginning to stir around the baked beans she had gotten with her main meal.

I pretty much sat back and let the others converse just like all the other students in the cafeteria, having my head resting atop the surface of the polished table. One after another, everyone arrived at the table and sat themselves down, the volume getting louder and louder.

Scorpio, then Aquarius, then Leo, then whoever else hadn't shown up yet.

I continuously shifted around in my spot, slightly annoyed by how crowded the table had become. There were thirteen of us and the table was only meant for eight, yet we somehow managed to squeeze ourselves in. Body to body, we were practically being squished together like sardines in a can, but we've grown used to it.

"Viola lessons? Today??" Scorpio's usual voice of complaint rang out from the end of the table, sounding irritated and uninterested as usual.

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