❖ Chapter 5 ❖

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November 26th, 2009
11:22 am


   "Ahhhhhh...!" I nearly sprinted down the hall, inhaling right through my nose as I felt my stomach twist in discomfort.

I could feel as if my insides were about to explode, a grumbling noise sounding after every minute. I held a hand over my abdomen and groaned, feeling slightly nauseous as I headed for the bathroom.

"I definitely shouldn't have eaten dairy..." I murmured under my breath, looking up and down the empty halls while scurrying to the restroom.

It was the last period of the day, since all the students were meant to be released at noon due the health concerns that Cancer had mentioned back at the lunch table. It was strange for sure, but that didn't mean I was any less excited. I mean, it was a free half day..!

   "Mm...but still..." I bit down on my tongue, slowing down my pace as I approached the bathroom and opened up the door.

If we were dealing with health concerns that no one was really aware about, who's to say that it wouldn't spread? Cancer had mentioned that her mom didn't even know what was wrong with those people, and she was the nurse for crying out loud!

Then there was what Capricorn told me this morning; with the sickly people that were mentioned on the news, how they weren't normal. I could've been mistaken, but I was sure that the two were connected in some way.

But what did it all mean? What were we dealing with? A virus?

I shuddered at the thought, opening up the bathroom door and stepping inside. It was a fairly small restroom; cream tiled walls with a black marble floor, with at least five stall doors that were coated in black, all lined up in one small section of the room. The rounded marble sink was on the other side, with three faucets and at least two soap dispensers.

I sighed, clutching my stomach as I felt that weird turn once again. I held back a gag, shaking my head. "Fuck dairy.." I grumbled under my breath, heading towards one of the stalls.

Taking a breath, I opened up the door without thinking since it was unlocked anyway. But as I did, I immediately stepped back in shock once my eyes fixated on someone on the floor; looking as if she was at least a freshman or sophomore.

   "Crap..! Sorry, I didn't think anyone was in here!" I took another step back, stumbling on my words as I apologized to the girl, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment.

The girl didn't seem to respond and I cocked my head at her, only to notice how she was hunched over the toilet, practically hurling her guts out as she wheezed and coughed uncontrollably. She was shaking, her grip tight on the toilet seat as she seemed to hunch over and hide her face with her hair.

   "Hey...are you alright?" I asked, concerned as I stepped closer to the girl and gazed at her with a worrying look.

The girl didn't answer, letting out another wheeze as well as a grunt; bony arms trembling as if she was on the verge of collapse, using the toilet to support the rest of her body. She couldn't even seem to turn her head, constantly throwing up in the toilet as she began to groan.

I didn't know what to do, standing there while nervously tapping my fingers on my thighs. I could only stare, narrowing my eyes as I observed her actions, noticing how her chipped nails began scratching against the surface of the toilet.

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