❖ Chapter 3 ❖

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Capricorn's decision is:
Tell Sagittarius the truth


"French was such a drag! A surprise test just like that?!" Sag complained from beside me, rolling her eyes as she slung her bag over her shoulder and pouted her lips; annoyance and irritation hidden behind her green irises while she blew a strand of her hair out of her face.

I just let out a small laugh, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "It's senior year. You gotta expect these things by now." I pointed out while clutching my binder in my hold and walking down the hall towards Sag's next class.

Sag just kept her childish pout, swinging her hips as she continued down the hall in silence. I could only smile, finding amusement in her irritation for her French teacher. I took Mandarin classes, so I didn't have a clue of what she was dealing with, but I could imagine French was much easier than writing out characters and memorizing them.

"Literature better be interesting. If he doesn't throw that stuffed turtle again, I will walk right out." Sag held her head up high while still keeping her pout on her face, though the rest of her tense expression eased up once the conversation transitioned into literature.

I was already aware of her liking to the subject, since her teacher was bizarre. He was a very expressive guy who I used to have as a teacher back in Junior year; always using his body movements to express the meanings of certain books, sometimes his voice projecting loud enough for people in the hall to hear, and being lenient and relaxed towards his students.

I was sure that he was everyone's favorite teacher.

"I heard a lot of teachers called in sick today. If he's not here, I swear I'll commit sewercide." Sag informed while biting down on her lip, managing a slight wave as she passed by a few of her friends.

"Sagi!" I narrowed my eyes at her, elbowing her hard in her side and causing her to yelp a bit, just before putting her hands up in defense.

"I'm just kidding! I'd never leave you, Capri."

I only let out a shaky breath, my expression remaining the same while I hugged my binder to my chest. I just ignored her comment, instead taking account of what she said about several teachers taking sick days. I could already feel myself being pulled into a deep thought, my mind flashing back to last night; hearing that woman's voice on the broadcast, remembering those specific descriptions, unable to shut off my imagination.

It could've just been nothing, since there were subs for teachers all the time. It usually didn't mean anything when they were absent from their places, and I was usually overjoyed when we didn't have a specific lesson we needed to work on. Despite that, I couldn't help but notice that a lot of them had decided to take the day off...right after the news broadcast.

It was definitely shady, but maybe it was just a coincidence? I had no idea which was true, but my mind mainly believed that the broadcasting had an affect on everyone in the school.

"Hey! Capri!" Before I knew it, Sag's fingers were suddenly snapping in front of my face, stopping me in my tracks by placing a hand on my shoulder and shaking me slightly.

"...Huh..? W-what—I-I'm listening..!" I shook my head and snapped out off my thoughts, looking to Sag while flashing a small smile.

Sag only frowned, green eyes staring back at me with doubt. "Yeah right. You've been spacing out all day, are you alright?" She pointed out with genuine concern, keeping her hand on my shoulder.

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