❖ Chapter 25 ❖

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9:57 AM


The thing I hate most about cooking breakfast for thirteen people was having to work with someone who struggled to cook breakfast for thirteen people.

"Shit...!" I inhaled at her swearing, afraid to turn around as I didn't know what the hell to expect once I did.

"I feel like you're being this horrible on purpose." I muttered, turning around and frowning at the sight of Capricorn shaking out her finger.

I could see that the coffee cup she had been pouring had been filled to the brim, some trickling down the side and leading me to believe she had overflowed the cup, spilling some on herself. She had rushed to the sink while leaving the spill there, now running her hand under some cold water.

"Sorry..! I swear I'm not, I'm just distracted today..." Capricorn narrowed her eyes, looking out the open blinds and out into the street.

"I guessed that by the third time you had zoned out," I pointedly said, causing Capricorn to hang her head in shame. "You nearly burnt the pancakes."

And yes, that was a serious offense. I could not express how annoying it is to have a singular good pancake and have the rest of them be completely burnt. It should've been illegal, honestly.

"Dare I say you're worse than Mini." I murmured and I was almost surprised at how fast Capricorn whipped her head towards me, looking wildly offended.

"Is she that bad?" She whispered, as if the devil herself was lurking around the corner.

"Nahhh, she was pretty decent. Right now, she's beating you when it comes to being my cooking apprentice."

Normally Cap would laugh because I'm just that funny, but this time, she didn't even chuckle. Should be considered a felony. She did have moments where she could be a bit of a worrier—she could never give Libra a run for their money though—but she never really acted like this.

    "What's with the 'off' behavior today?" I decided to be direct, hoping she wasn't like Mini and shut me out. "You're not turning, are you?"

It was an obvious joke but Capricorn didn't take it as one, furrowing her eyebrows at me. "I think enough time has passed to declare I'm in the clear."

    "Agreed." I nodded my head. It had already been about a week since Cap's injury, so unless she was some superhuman she would've turned by now if scratches had an effect.

It was a big relief and a huge weight off of our shoulders. "I think it's safe to rule out scratches as a way of turning."

    "All that worrying for nothing." Capricorn murmured, pulling her hand out from under the running sink water. "I told y'all I was fine."

    "Well you're a liar when it comes to being 'fine'." I retorted, avoiding her narrow-eyed look. "Like right now."

Capricorn made a sour face, turning up her nose. "It's not like that, I just...Sag and I haven't been on perfectly good terms recently."

    "When have you heard of siblings ever being on perfectly good terms?" I cocked an eyebrow at her. "Have you seen the twins?"

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