Rise of The Cybermen

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The twins walked into the console room, both having rested up from their previous adventure and Nova had explained to Noah what she meant earlier when she had said 'not again.' He had looked at her wide-eyed because he was completely unaware of that happening well besides their Tardis putting him in a time loop.

They walked out hearing their dad, say "And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? The way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!"

"I thought I was going to get frazzled!" Rose busted out laughing, the twins then came into view. They both dropped down, Nova sitting next to their father and Noah sitting across from his sister beside Rose.

"Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!" They laughed again.

Nova smirked, "Oh my god that was exhilarating I mean I know that we do a lot of running normally but damn, was that particular time a hell of a lot of running for one sitting even for us."

Noah snorted giving them a look, "damn I hate that I missed that one."

Mickey looked at the trio that was there when this happened, "Yeah. where was that, then? What happened?"

The Doctor looked at him, "Oh, it was on this er, this er planet thing. Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there."

Nova noticed that Mickey was holding a button, "Mickey why are you holding that button for?"

Mickey looked less than amused, as he nodded toward the Doctor, "because he told me to."

The doctor looked at him, for a moment trying to remember when he told the boy to do that, "when was that?"

Mickey gave him a look, "About half an hour ago."

Nova bit back a snicker at the fact that her dad had forgotten that he told Mickey to do that, "Er, you can let go now."

Mickey gave the time lord a questioning look, "Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?"

The doctor slightly winced as he answered the question Mickey didn't notice but the twins sure did, "Ten minutes? Twenty? Twenty-nine?"

The human man, gave the doctor an accusing glare, "You just forgot me!"

The Doctor shook his head and denied it though, "No, no, no. I was just, I was, I was calibrating. I was just. No, I know exactly what I'm doing."

And the time rotor blows up.

The twins shared a horrified look with their father as this happens, Rose looked confused and a little concerned at the looks on the three time lords' faces, "What's happened?"

The Doctor was staring at where the time rotor is supposed to be, "The time vortex is gone."

"How can it be gone!" the twins exclaimed simultaneously.

The doctor looked at his ginger angels, "That's impossible. It's just gone. Brace yourself! We're going to crash!" the twins latched onto each other's hands and the tardis railing with their free hands. The Tardis comes to a sudden stop, and gas masks drop from the ceiling.

The power is off.

After a beat the Doctor looked around at everyone, "Everyone all right? Rose? Mickey? Nova? Noah?" the twins still clutched each other's hands not wanting to believe what just happened.

Rose nodded, but had a confused look on her face, "Yeah fine, but I don't understand what just happened?"

Mickey gave a nod as well, "I'm fine. I'm okay. Sorry. Yeah."

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