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He was working diligently on his experiment, trying to finish it up before 4:30 P.M. which was when he was supposed to go on a walk for his mental and physical health. According to Pure Vanilla, being cooped up in his house all day means a lack of vitamin D which is necessary for survival.

He had, foolishly, started the experiment at 3:00, leaving him with only an hour and a half to finish it and it was already 4:15. He rushed to put the ingredients in the mixture.

Some cinnamon sticks... Then add some sugar cubes...

All Espresso needed to put in now was some fine coffee ground. He grabbed a bag of said coffee grounds and began to measure them in a measuring cup. It wasn't exact, a whole three centimeters extra, but he could just redo the experiment some other day, after all, this wasn't one that was too important. More so just to see what would happen if a cookie were to consume a drink that adds to magical power?

Would the cookie grow something, like wings, to house the extra magic? Would it build up and all burst out suddenly, so greatly, the cookie is blown to pieces?

He would try the concoction himself. Dangerous, yes, but better than being responsible for any other cookies' deaths.

Espresso realized he must've forgotten to add the heated powder to it. It wasn't spicy, it was the essence of heat, temperature-wise.

He grabbed the bag of the orange powder, thinking it looked like less than what he had gotten. He was skeptical but added some anyways. He noticed only a slight reaction from the liquid, which was meant to happen, so he assumed he was right.

Espresso mixed it for a few seconds until it was a chestnut brown. He 'hm'd, checking his list.

Everything seems to be in order...

He smiled, waiting for the concoction to come to a boil. He got out a notepad and wrote down his observations.

He watched the beaker and the clock, his gaze flicking between them. He couldn't delay his walk or it'd mess up his schedule, but he certainly couldn't rush his experiment.

This day was a busy one, that was for sure. After his walk, he had to go grocery shopping, visit Pure Vanilla for an appointment- which could take up to two or more hours depending on how many others were visiting - and lastly, he had to clean up his mess from his experiment and the rest of his house.

He looked at the clock.


Espresso looked at his experiment. It wasn't anywhere near a boil.

He bit his lip before deciding to up the temperature some more. He waited (im)patiently.

By 4:28, it was ready, so Espresso took the beaker, switched off his burner, and poured it into his coffee.

The coffee sparked and caught flame for half a second, but when it stopped, it was glowing a bright orange.

Espresso picked up his mug, taking note of the amount of steam coming from his mug, and how it was dark steam. Not smoke, just dark grey steam.


Espresso took a sip and was surprised at the taste. A mixture of flavors that he hadn't even put into the concoction. An assortment of berries and fruits clashed perfectly with the slight tang of... Was that cheese?

He looked at the mug in surprise, wondering how the taste of coffee simply disappeared. He took another sip, surprised even more.

This time, the taste was sharp and sour, like lemons. He pulled the cup away from his lips, cringing.

Burning Up | Cookie Run Kingdom (Espresso x Madeleine)Where stories live. Discover now