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It had been about a few years since the whole issue with his hands heating up to the temperature of boiling lava. Since then, Espresso had managed to find a way to stop it... For the most part.

Now when he gets distressed, his hands only heat up by about five degrees. Still noticeable, but that makes it easy for Madeleine to catch on and make him happy as soon as possible!

Espresso was currently sitting on his couch with Madeleine.

"Something on your mind?" Madeleine asked, resting his chin on Espresso's head.

Espresso smiled, "Nothing much, just thinking about the night you told me you loved me for the first time."

Madeleine leaned down and kissed Espresso on the cheek, "It was kind of a bizarre moment for confessing love, huh?"

Espresso nodded, leaning his head on the Paladin he loved so dearly.

"... Y'know, it's still kinda crazy..." Espresso mumbled, looking into nowhere, his face blank once more.

"What is, hun?" Madeleine asked, looking down at him lovingly.

Espresso smiled softly, "That we're married... I know it's been a year since the wedding, but it still feels so new..."

"Well, it feels new to me, too. But that's because it technically is still new. Some marriages last over 40 years, y'know?" Madeleine replied, kissing the top of Espresso's head.

Espresso's smile widened as he looked up at Madeleine, "I hope ours lasts forever..."

Madeleine looked Espresso right in the eyes, conveying as much love as he could with his eyes and smile. He leaned in, kissing him on the forehead before resting his own against it.

"It will, my love."

"It will."

Burning Up | Cookie Run Kingdom (Espresso x Madeleine)Where stories live. Discover now