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"Raspberry, why did you do that?" He asked frantically, wondering why she had tried to attack Espresso when he was so close to the edge.

Raspberry's gaze snapped to Madeleine, "He attacked you! Look, your arm is burnt!" She justified her actions.

Madeleine stood up, shaking his head, "No, you don't get it, he didn't do it on purpose!"

"Espresso? Doing something on accident?" She asked, somewhat mockingly. "Ha! As if! He's such a perfectionist, his perfectionism has to be perfect!" She sassed, annoyed.

"Raspberry, no-" Madeleine began to retaliate, but he was interrupted.

"She's not right, but..." Pure Vanilla spoke, "She's also not wrong."

Madeleine looked at Pure Vanilla in disbelief, "What?"

Pure Vanilla's eyes were open, a mixture of melancholy and something that Madeleine couldn't quite discern.

"W-what- what are you talking about!?" Madeleine asked, scared of what they might do to Espresso.

"What I mean by she's not wrong is Raspberry is right that Espresso would try his very best to never make any mistakes," The ancient healer began, "But just because she's right about that, well, it doesn't mean he'd never make one from time to time... It's very unlikely, though..."

Madeleine could hardly believe his ears. Even Pure Vanilla thought it may have been on purpose?

But... Espresso wouldn't, right?

He looked at the burns on his arm.

... Right..?

His mind wandered off to Espresso's face from before. As Espresso grabbed his arm...

Madeleine squeezed his eyes shut. It hurt to think. He tried to imagine when he woke up the previous morning...


Okay, so... That clarified that it wasn't just his ability to remember those memories specifically.

Madeleine opened his eyes, still slightly dazed from the forest druid that had attacked him.

Madeleine looked at Sea Fairy. She was gazing at the moon longingly, her arms reaching out to it, having completely forgotten what was happening. But for just a moment, Sea Fairy looked at Madeleine, her gaze full of pity.

Then her eyes returned to the moon, full of languish once more.

"Madeleine, I know it's hard to believe, but..." Raspberry spoke, kneeling next to Madeleine and looking at him, "I don't think Espresso did it by accident. He can control his magic."

Madeleine's vision grew blurry, but it wasn't from tears, no. It was a concussion.

Madeleine put a hand on his forehead, sucking in a sharp breath. His ears began to ring softly.

Pure Vanilla's voice was hard to hear, but understandable. "Madeleine? Are you feeling alright?"

Madeleine blinked a few times, looking at the healer as a headache began, intensifying quickly. Pure Vanilla's staff glowed softly.

He began to feel better in just a few seconds. Madeleine rubbed his head, "Th-thanks..." He mumbled.

"Madeleine," Raspberry spoke, patting Madeleine's back. As she was about to continue, he stopped her.

"No, Raspberry. I won't believe it. I know Espresso did it by accident." Madeleine said, his voice low.

He looked down, standing up as Raspberry tried to speak again. He ignored her.

Burning Up | Cookie Run Kingdom (Espresso x Madeleine)Where stories live. Discover now