12. Happiness never felt so good

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It had been a month and I was finally allowed to leave the hospital "Hooray she's alive" Dustin cheered as I walked into my home. Bear and Lila ran at me crushing me in a hug "I missed you so much" I cried into their shoulders. Steve walked up next and handed me a bunch of sunflowers "What's this" I asked looking at them "I remembered you told me you liked them and since I couldn't give them to you at the hospital I thought I'd give them to you as a welcome home gift" I grinned and brought him in for a hug "thank you for taking care of my kids." he nodded and I pulled away and slapped him "What was that for" he asked shocked and I heard the others laughing "for letting my kids do that stupid thing in those tunnels. You know what Harrington you are lucky I don't snap your neck where you stand" Max stepped forward "Actuall he didn't let us do it. He actually told us not to do it. We did it when he was nocked out by Billy" my eyes snapped to Steve's and then did I notice he had a few healing cuts in his face "What did that asshole do to you" I asked placing a hand on his cheek "Don't worry Max and Bear handled him" I nodded and pulled him in for another hug "Sorry about the slap" I said and Steve laughed "it's okay."

I looked around and saw everyone but El "Where's eleven" I asked and she stepped out from behind Hopper "oh thank God your okay" I said pulling her in for a hug "thank you for helping me" she said and I nodded "Anytime. You are welcome here like the others any day darling" she nodded.

"I have a meeting to get to so I'll see you later. Joyce you don't mind watching El do you" Hopper asked and she nodded "I'd love to have her over. We should leave and let Lark relax a bit. She's been cooped up in a hospital alone for a month let her spend time with her kids" I shook my head "Bear probably wants to hang out with the others and I need to talk to Steve" Bear grinned "Really" he asked and I nodded "As long as you take Lila" Lucas and Dustin cheered fighting over who could pick Lila up and I laughed watching them all leave.

"What do you want to talk about" Steve asked and I smiled "are you still mad at me about the powers thing" Steve shook his head "I understand now. You had to protect your family" I smiled putting the sunflowers in a jug of water "what about what you said to Nancy before I left to close the gate" he looked at me "you heard that didn't you" he asked and I nodded

"Lark I can't promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone" I smiled and leaned forward kissing him. He kissed me back before pulling away "Wait you like me too" he asked and I burst out laughing "yes asshole I like you too. Your fun to be around. Your smart. Your funny. Your very cute. Your different. You're crazy. You're perfect in an imperfect way. You have the best laugh. How could I not like you. You're you"

Steve nodded "what about Billy" I scoffed "that asshole. I choose you. And I'll keep choosing. Over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you" Steve smiled "I want routine with you Lark. I want waking up in the morning to the sun shining or the rain pouring with you. I want home with you. I want late night TV and too much to drink with you. I want slow dancing in our living room. In our house. In our home. With you. I want you "Steve said pulling me to him by my waist "Was king Steve just being romantic to me" he nodded and brushed his thumb along my scar above my cheek.

"can you tell me how you got these now" I looked down and Steve pulled my face up again "Don't do that. Your too pretty to hide" I smiled and went to sit down Steve sat next to me. "the one on my neck was from another kid threw a tantrum and sent a shard of glass my way. It lodged into my throat barely missing my esophagus and killing me." Steve nodded "There were more of you" I nodded "Lila was the last one to be born in that Lab" Steve nodded "What happened to the rest of them then" He asked and I shrugged "no idea. I heard that they all died so when I saw El I was shocked" he nodded "that explains that"

"when I escaped with Lila and Bear a guarde shot me in the face. Bear used his ability to pull out the bullet and stop the bleeding. Thanks to how far we were it didn't go far and lodged into my cheekbone. We managed to get to a hospital and get it fixed" Steve looked horrified "That is so fucked up" I laughed "that's not the worst of it" he looked confused "What you mean" I turned around and lifted the back of my shirt revealing the rest of my scars "I received these when ever I didn't listen to papa" I felt Steve's fingers trace every scar and i shivered "I am so sorry" he said and I turned grabbing his face in my hands "you have noting to apologize for Steve. You didn't do this" he nodded "but you still went through it. It's so horrible to think about" I chuckled "Then don't think about it. I don't" he smiled at me "your amazing" I kissed him again and he pushed me down onto the couch so that he was hovering over me.

His hands went to my shirt and he broke our kiss "May I" he asked and I sighed nodding yes vigorously. He chuckled and we went back to kissing before taking this up to my bedroom incase the kids were to suddenly appear.

I was putting my clothes back on and Steve leaned over kissing my shoulder "What are you doing" he asked and I chuckled "Bear signed me up to shaparone to the snow dance tonight" he nodded "Dustin asked me to help him get ready for it tonight" I smiled "you two formed an amazing bond" I said and he smiled "Dustin's a cool kid." I leaned over and kissed him again "You should go and get the boy ready and I need to dress up for tonight" he nodded and got up.

I giggled and reached over pinching his naked ass and he yipped smacking my hand away. "Behave" he scolded and I bit my bottom lip watching him walk away "I can give you a lift there if you want" Steve said as he took a shower "Thanks we can save on gas now" he laughed and I smiled "wanna join me" he asked "if I ever say no to that question shoot me will ya" I said wripping my clothes off and Steve laughed.

The dance looked absolutely lovely. It looked like a fairy tale. "So you don't mind watching Lila" I asked Steve for the hundredth time and he laughed "I yes now go. Bear behave and Dustin remember" he began "Act like I don't care" Dustin finished and I laughed "Act like you don't care. Your learning my friend." Dustin reached over moving the the rearviwe mirror "come on man. You look awesome. You look great" Steve said and I smiled "yea that Ferra faucet really did the trick" I commented and and Steve shoved me slightly "Shut up you love the hair" I shrugged "eh" Steve gasped "I'm offended" I leaned over and kissed him "Your still pretty" he smiled at me before turning back to Dustin "now your gonna go in there. Look like a million bucks and your gonna slam it"

"like a lion" Dustin said then did his purr. I shook my head and reached over kissing Steve "I should go in and start shaparoning see you later tonight then. Lila behave for Steve and if anything happens come and get me" he nodded and I walked in. I saw Dustin register and I saw Steve smiling at me before he drove off with Lila in the back seat.

The hall was full and everyone was dancing and having a good time. I saw Nancy smile at Jonathan and saw the group laughing at Dustin's hair. I walked over and placed a kiss on his cheek "I think he looks amazing with it" they all nodded and I walked off watching the others. I saw Lucas dance with Max and a girl walked up to Will asking him to dance. Dustin was staring at Max and I felt bad for him.

He took a deep breath and walked up to a girl asking her to dance. She ignored him and her friends walked off laughing. He began walking to another group of girls and they walked off before he could ask them to dance. He went to the stands and I felt bad. I walked up to him "Hey" I said and he wiped his eyes "hey" he said and I could hear the pain "wanna dance" I asked Offering him my hand "what" he asked shocked "come on" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor.

He looked around smiling and I grabbed his hands "Here" I said and placed his hands on my hips before I put my hands on his shoulder "closer" I said pulling him in a bit. "a little closer" I said again pulling him in further. I noticed the girls that had regected him looking at him bewildered "now feel the music. The rhythm. Start to move to it. yea there" I instructed and he listened. "good" he asked smiling and I nodded "yea that's good. You know out of all my son's friends your my favorite" I told him as we danced.

"you've always been my favorite" he smiled and once again all I wanted to do was pinch his cheeks. "Really" he asked and I nodded "yea of course. Plus your best friends with my boyfriend how cool is that" Dustin laughed and I smiled. I looked over at the girls and sighed "girls this age are dumb but give them a few years and then your gonna drive them nuts" I said and Dustin grinned even further "you think so" he asked "oh I know so" I said.

I saw El walk in looking absolutely stunning and Mike walked over to her and they began to dance. Tonight was wonderful. I was dancing with my boyfriends best friend and Mike was here with El.

Who knew moving back here would have been the greatest idea I've ever had. I just hope it stayed this way from now on but hey when has quite ever stayed quiet.

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