Chapter 11

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"How could i not see it. Why was i that stupid" she cursed and laughed.

Thranduil was jealous and Haldir was protective.

She replaied her conclusion over and over in her head. Now everything made sence. The unpleasant look on Haldirs face when the king held her hand and Thranduils tension when Haldir was near her. Y/n needed to know that her insight was right and descided to talk to Haldir.


During dinner, y/n did not eat much. Thranduil had no time to explain his early behaviour and that robbed her of her appetite. Fortunately, Lord Elrond asked to speak to the King after the meal and they disappeared into the King's study. Everyone started to leave the hall. Y/n took a deep breath and walked towards her old friend. She gestured her guards to stay behind.

"Good evening Haldir" she greeted friendly.

"Good evening, my lady. How can I help you?" His eyes lit up at the sight of her and he smiled.

"Would you mind join me on a walk and get some fresh air?" she asked, eager to sound calm and balanced.

"Not at all" he agreed and held out his arm for her to take.

Kindly she acceptted and laid her hand on his upper arm. They went outside in the garden. There they simply catched up and talked about various things.

"Excuse me y/n. I have known you for many years by now and i see that something is bothering you. Would you like to share it with me?" Haldir stopped walking and looked at her.

"Actually there is" she admitted.

She let go of his arm and took a few steps away.

"Tell me y/n" he softly reqired and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I have noticed that you do not like the presence of the king near me. Is that true?" she asked hesitately.

"It is. You are as attentive as ever" he smirked.

"Thank you mellon but you distract. Please tell me why" she pleaded and stepped closer.

"Alright. As i said earlier i have known you for a long time now and you seem to be the only elleth i have ever cared for. I remember that specific time when you were with us. This one ellon cought your eye" he began to tell.

"Rhys" her eyes grew wide at the memory.

Haldir nodded. Memories came flooding back and a healed wound threatened to burst open again. Rhys was her first love. He was a strong and experienced elve in the guard of Lorien. Y/n and Rhys had fallen in love. Their future seemed bright until the day he was sent off to fight orcs in the east. He never returned.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. I had the unfortunate task of delivering the message to you. Your eyes filled with tears and you werent able to stand anymore" he continued.

"Everything since that moment is a blur" she remembered.

"Luckily i managed to catch you before you hit the ground. I carried you inside to your bed and watched over you. Your heart was broken and you didnt eat or sleep for years. Finally after many hours of pain and grief i looked into your eyes and saw a light shimmer. The one you normally carry and which i admire so much" he smiled at her and stroked her cheeck gently.

"That's when the memory becomes clearer. We spent almost every minute of the day together and you did your best to cheer me up. We went hunting together and watched the stars," she recalled. "How could I ever repay you for what you did for me?"

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