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As I sit in the tub, my mind wanders to Ivy for the hundredth time today. Should we make a run for it? Yes. Tomorrow night we will. I don't want her to have to keep going through this while I'm locked in the horrid room. They already started the pain process. Next up is making her flexible. It should be okay since she's a female, but I don't want to take any chances. They will still tear her muscles, and put her on the stretcher and it will feel like she's getting slowly pulled apart. I will be able to hear her screams from her, and I can't bare that. I will lose control and kill everyone in here.

I need to be careful around here. I can feel their bloodlust a mile away. These people are only here to kill and Ivy's father is leading them to kill, so they're perfectly content. I heard her father walking down the hall, passing my room with someone, telling them to send out another group of men, to kill them until they surrender. Keeping the rest in prison of endless torture until they give out all the information they out the information they want.

We need to get out of here fast. Soon they will think Ivy is ready for whatever her father wants her here for. She won't be the same Ivy I know now. From what I've seen and heard of her father, she will probably be his personal assassin as I was to my father.

My father sent me out on a mission to kill the people who have owed him for the longest, but refused to pay the price, so I tortured and killed them. There is one memory in particular that stays with me. I remember it as if it was hours ago.


I flow this man down the street, following him as he walks into a dark alley. My instincts kick in as I realize the unnatural. I hide in the shadows and watch him carefully. He stops, but doesn't turn. I've been compromised.

"I know you're there. Did Raz send you because I didn't pay his debt?" The man asks. How did he know I was here? I was sure to conceal myself. Better yet, how did he know my father sent me? I don't move from the shadows as he laughs. "He was never the man to do the dirty work. I bet you're one of his personal guards aren't you?" I don't respond as I watch. "You know what? Let's just get this over with. I have a daughter I need to go back home too and feed since her mother died last month." The man sighs.

It's hard not to feel for this man, but I have nothing to do but obey. If he wanted a better life for his daughter then he would have paid his debt. I step out of the shadow as the man turns around, facing me.

"I'm actually his son." I say.

I'm not going to enjoy this one.

"Oh really? So what is this? Is this like a high honor or something? Should I get on one knee?" He laughs.

I draw out my blade, hand clenching the handle with a deathing grip.

"You're sure not a man who's scared of death." I say.

"No. I'm not. What's there to be scared of mate?"

"Do you not care about your daughter?"

"Well, there's no stopping what's about to happen. So what's the point?" The man shrugs.

I glare at the man in disgust. He would leave his daughter fatherless and face death, rather than lose his pride to try to fight back to get back home to his daughter. I guess I was wrong. I will enjoy this. I can almost smell the blood in the air.

Before the man has time to blink, I stab him in the shoulder. I smile as I hear his screams fill the air. I can hear the knife break his skin, sinking into his flesh, flowing with blood. I throw him to the ground, pinning him to the ground with my shoe to his neck.

"Why do you give up so easily for your only daughter? To leave her as an orphan?" I growl.

"Because-I-can't-help-it." He says as he struggles for air.

I glare at him, watching his eyes widen with fear as I lift up my knife. This is going to be a mess. But it's worth it. I rip away his cheek from his face with my knife, stepping on his throat so nobody can hear his screams. I tear away at his other cheek, watching with satisfaction as the blood pools around his head. The edge of his lips barely hanging on by a string of flesh. I can see his teeth stained red from the blood. I reach down and rip apart his lips as he chokes on blood.

"Too bad you won't be able to see her anymore." I growl.

I lean down, foot still on his throat as he suffocates, and carve out his eyes. I hear as he struggles to scream, only to choke on blood. Tears of red fall down the side of his ruined face as I rip his eyes out of his sockets with a wet snap.

"P-p-plesh scop." He pleads.

"Stop? You should have thought about that before you abandoned your daughter or it would have been quick and we wouldn't have this mess now would we?"

I stab the man in the chest, surprised he could even speak. I take my foot off his throat, letting him drown in his blood as I peel away the flesh, shattering his breast bone, revealing his stuttering heart. Without hesitation at shover my hand and rip out his heart. The man falls still as I stare at his bleeding heat. His blood drips down my arms as I crush his heart in my hands.

I get up from his bloody carcass and walk away, finding a small faucet to wash the blood off. I think about how the girl will be home alone, scared when her father doesn't return home. I walk back to the man, searching his clothes for his phone. I find it and dial the emergency services.

"911 what is your emergency?" A female voice calls.

"I wanted to let you know that there is a young girl who has been abandoned by her father. Her mother died a few months ago, and she is alone now."

"What is her father's name so we can find where she is?"

"Edward Ferguson."

"Okay. Give me a molement." She says. I wait a few minutes until she speaks once again. "Yes, we have found her. Thank you for letting us know. We are sending help now."

I hang up without a response, toss the phone back onto the man and make my way back home with my blood stained hands.

Is this going well so far? I would love to hear what ya'll think so far! Hit me up!😄

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