Valarie - Chapter 1

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Valerie's P.O.V

I'm a total mess, I don't even know why people even be friends with me.

When it comes to me Valarie Harper, I'm not much of a luck to other people or even myself. There is just no luck for me like the luck dosen't want me to have it if you can say it so.

I always had this dream of living in a fancy house and having my own room but no... instead I fucking sleep on a couch and live in a small house!! How comfortable right?

I sleep with my little brother Alex, I mean I don't have a problem with that , I'm just saying that every girl needs her own privecy and study time. But I never got that shit, I just feel like I'm some kinda of curse like when people are around me they see that I'm some kind danger to them or a bad influence. but it turns out I'm a good person, I just had a few bad lucks in my life. Most of my life.....

My dad is a fucking alcoholic and my mom is workaholic kinda. My two bothers Alex and my oldest brother Arthur is the only normal ones in the family. I'm the middle child, no one just gives a fuck about me and I couldn't care less. My older brother does and he's a dumbass for that, because who wants a sister that almost ruined all he's chances of being a movie diractor.

Arthur is my big brother and the best brother, he belived in me but I turn him down by telling him that he cannot be a movie diractor because a lot of them has failed and Arthur though that I thought that he would also fail just like the others but the fact that I didin't thought that . I don't care of what he wants to be as long as people don't judge him and be disrespect full to him.

But I put that behind me, because my brother's bussniess is not mine. Things are going bad for me and I have just been stressing out of my last year of high school!!

I'm at my room (The living room ) trying to study for another history test. My teacher told me that on my other test I got an F because I needed to answear one more of the importent questions which I didin't understand. I told that fat ass bitch that it was bullshit, when those words came out of my mouth she immediately called my mother and told me how I disrespected her and I threw my test results which was a fucking lie!!

I hated her and rest of my other teachers except my english teacher, he understands me and he cares about my health even tho I don't listen to him in class he's still trying he's best to make me listen and make me do all my work done. I don't get why the other teachers can not be like him.

Anyways this is my last grade and then I start gymnasium. I hope I get into law because when I grow up I wanna be a lawyar and help people for free. Somethimes people dosen't have the money to get help when they need it so that's when I come in.

I have studied about three weeks for this test so I can pass it. I need to pass history, society, geography and relegion. If I pass then I can get into law in gymnasium.

I will only study there for 3 years and when I'm done I go to colloge. You probably don't know what gymnasium is but it's kinda of high school but you chose of what program you wanna go into.

Mine is Law, my big broher Arthur got into acting class because he wanted to learn more about the behind the scenes. I kinda though he would be this hot ceo of some company but I guess being a movie director could be hot? Oh god I have read so many dirty romance books I should stop. But I'm kinda addicted... Ok I'm addicted I admit it, I mean can you like blame me?

Anyways like I said I'm studying and my big brother is studying for he's math test. This is also he's last year and then he goes to college.

So now it's just me and my little brother Alex left.

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