Valarie - Chapter 3

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If you wanna get to know Valarie more just read out here and tell me later what you think :D

Six days later...

School has started, this is my last year of high school and I'm not sure if i'm going to enjoy it..

I started to get ready for today. We weren't going to start today, we are just going to get our schedules, key cards and lockers. As soon as I get them I'll go home as usual and just do some studying on math so I could be prepared for my last year of school. I just hoped I get some friends but I know damn well that ain't going to happen.

I put on a long t-shirt and sweatpants. I didn't want to do to much of styling because like they say 'I'm such an attention seeker'. Only if people gave me the chance of knowing me, maybe they wouldn't judge me after all.

I put my shoes on and was about to get out but then later my mom stepped in this tiny hallway of the front door.

"Valarie, why do you wanna start your first day of school dressing up like that? Like you should put on that white shirt and the jeans skirt that I bought you." My mom suggested.

I rolled my eyes literally opened the front door and was about to leave but then I said.

"You know what mom!! Why won't you just put them on? Seems like they would suit you more." I yelled out and slammed the door.

I left the house angry. Yesterday my mom told me that she sold out half of my books, clothes and shoes that I worked for the summer to Facebook. She didn't bother to tell me of what she did that for until yesterday.

I wasn't being ungrateful for anything that my mom bought me, but if she throws away the stuff I bought with my hard earned money that's when my rage comes in.

I went to the train station because that's my usual way of going to school.

I hope when I get there things will be different...

15 minutes later of the train ride.

I got off at Odenplan. I'm going to Gustav Vasa school. I've been going to this school my whole life with Arthur.

My name is Valerie Madelyn Lucile Harper, I'm 15 years old and I have two siblings. My big brother Arthur Gabriel Louis Harper and My little brother Alex Adrien Léo Harper.

We were all born in Sweden at the city that we live in called Stockholm. We have lived here our whole lives and we have moved and moved until we found somewhere to call our own home.

It was finally over with moving there to there. what a motherfucking relief.


I got to school. I got all my shit. My new locker, my schedule and a new fucking teacher.

Nothing would change even tho I got a new teacher.

I went home again to read one of my favorite books from Ana Huang. The twisted series. I've been in love with her books since they came out.

While I will be reading I might also post about the new books I have ordered. There is haunting Adaline and Ice breaker. I've heard that the books were really dirty so I kinda ordered them for that reason..

I got home and just put all my things away and went straight to the living room that I sleep in..

Starting from now I was about to post my new books on insta there was this girl who massaged me.

No one usually message me on insta if I'm being honest. I only have 34 followers.

Her user name was its.xo_LHM.

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