Nathen - Chapter 6

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Hey guys enjoy I hope you enjoy the story <3

Two months later...

It's been two months since I saw Valarie.

I don't know if it was me being hard on her or something but she told Arthur that she would come and visit him a week or two. But it's been over 2 months so I guess she got what she deserves the last time I saw her.

I'm at the gym trying to work out my muscles by lifting weights. And I'm not gonna lie I have done some progress.

I needed to leave the gym early because the boys were gonna come over. Gosh I hate when they need to disturb my exercising.

I got done with the lifting and then I started to get my stuff and then left the gym. I called Arthur and told him that I would be 15 minutes late because my train would be here in 20 minutes and it takes about 10 minutes to get to Solna that me and Arthur live. I have to be there at 05:45pm and it's 5:24pm.

I should have just left early.


Half an hour later he arrived at his and best friends apartment.

I arrived at our apartment and used the elevator to get up to 6th floor. When I arrived at our door I was hearing bunch of noises.

I knew that it was Carlos, Matthew and Arthur.

I swear to god if they are drunk I might as well end my life right here because no fucking I'm babysitting them again.

Last time they got so drunk they lost their minds. Arthur even made a girl pregnant and then he tossed her out because she wanted to be with him and the baby. But she aborted it because he wanted nothing to do with her.

I would have done the same.

I opened our door for to get into the apartment and it seemed like we had another visitor. There were these boots who belong to some female that came here.

I thought it was a boys night but I'm sure I can be pleased by this female for today.

I took off my shoes and put my gym bag in my room and went to the kitchen.

When I walked in, all of their gases were at me. Arthur, Matthew and Carlos. But I was also expecting another person but I seem to be wrong? I think.

"Bro your late!! You are never late for boys night." Arthur spoke out.

Carlos was laughing. He knows that I am never late for these boys night and I was standing there like a fucking lamp-post.

"We'll I would have rather be in the gym but I guess I came along cause I saw some females boots on the front door and I expect now there is some chick around here somewhere." I said waiting for an answer.

Arthur rolled his eyes and Matthew on the other hand was sitting on the couch drunk as fuck.

That man must had a bad day.

Everyone was silent and I was still waiting for an answer.

"Well where is this chick so I could-" as soon as I was about to finish my sentence. The person who came out from the bathroom who I didn't expect was just standing there and looked at me with a surprising look.

Arthur's bitch ass sister.

"Oh good to see you Nathen. How did it go at the gym?" Valarie asked with a straight face.

Fuck. Why is she even here.

"Oh it went great, my day was so perfect until you had to show your bitch ass face in my apartment." I said smirking. Now she is gonna walk out crying like an emotional girl.

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