Chapter one: the raid that changed everything

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A black-haired female was in her house when she heard a roar from outside her door. She opened the door to see a deadly nadder running for the blacksmith shop she leaves her house and hit the nadder with a cart she was close to the nadder then flew off. The black-haired female went to the blacksmith shop and put a apron on and was met by a brown-haired boy "hey thyra" spoke the boy and the girl looked at him "hey hiccup" spoke thyra.

Hiccup and thyra they worked in the forge thyra was sharpening a sword when gobber came in. Gobber worked there as well. A red-haired male looked at a viking "what do we have" asked the male "a few deadly nadders, gronkles, hidous zippleback and another viking said he saw a monstrous nightmare" spoke a viking. 

They fought with the dragons and thyra grabbed a bola and ran to the side and aimed for a dragon and she threw the bola. Thyra heard a roar and it went down and she smiled when she heard hiccup and looked and saw that he was getting chased by monstrous nightmare. Thyra ran towards hiccup and she saw the red-haired male "stoick is hiccup ok" asked thyra and hiccup walked up and thyra hugged him. 

Thyra and hiccup went to his hut and they snuck out and went into the forest. Thyra found the dragons she shot down. She freed one after realized she couldn't kill it and she freed the other one. They roared at her and flew off and the next morning thyra found the two and drew them in her notebook. She then tried to touch one and they ran off, and thyra sat down and was drawing them in the dirt. 

Thyra finished and one drew in the dirt then the other one drew in the dirt as well and she looked at it. She stepped on a line and they growled and she then stepped over the lines all the way to the black and white one. She put her hand out and looked away felt a muzzle on her hand. She looked back the dragon had put their muzzle in her hand "your species i'm going to call it a nightlight" spoke thyra and she looked at the nightlight "i'm going to name you ruffrunner" spoke thyra and thyra did the same to the stormcutter and it put it muzzle in her hand. "i'm going to name you tsunami" told thyra and thyra went home to get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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