Chapter 4: Miracle Of Love

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Meanwhile at the hospital, Bono regained consciousness after a supposed POTS episode. He looked around, noting that he's still wearing his usual clothes. However, he also noticed that he was on oxygen and an IV. "What happened?" Bono asked upon noticing that Dr Chen is in the room with him. "Bono, thank goodness you're alright, you were unconscious for a while," Dr Chen said. "Is it confirmed? Do I have POTS?" Bono asked. "Sorry to say this but yes, you do have POTS, but thankfully you won't be on oxygen all the time except for when you sleep, though you'll be weak for a while," Dr Chen said. "How's Laz?" Bono asked. "Well, Larry's cystic fibrosis progressed, without the alien DNA working in him, he wouldn't make it until he turns 18," Dr Chen said.

"But he's just a kid," Bono said. "You all are just kids, suffering from terminal illnesses and trying to live the best you could, but unlike you guys who got it while you learned you have powers, Larry was born with his. We all thought he cannot live long but thanks to the alien DNA he was also born with, he fought every lung infection and he never gave up, too stubborn to even do so," Dr Chen said. "That sounds like Larry," Bono said. "But we're trying to figure out Morrissey's powers and if Larry's alien DNA was just paralysed or taken away right now, Dr Hayley is doing her best to figure out what Morrissey did," Dr Chen said. Meanwhile in the lab, Dr Hayley took a sample of Larry's DNA. "So, are we doing a DNA test on him?" Dr O'Connor asked. "Yes but we're not checking his heritage, we're trying to find his alien genome and see if it's paralysed or gone," Dr Hayley said.

"So, what sort of power does this Morrissey use?" Alex asked. After placing Larry's DNA for scanning, Dr Hayley went to her shelf and managed to find Morrissey's file. "Let's see here," Dr Hayley said, opening the folder that contains Morrissey's information, including the powers. "He's dangerous," Dr Hayley said, reading out the power Morrissey inherited. "What do you mean he's dangerous?" Dr O'Connor asked. "He has anti-psychic powers, with just two fingers up any Wild Boys' forehead, their powers would be gone. Not only that, their organs wouldn't recover whenever they get any infection," Dr Hayley explained. That's when the DNA scanner beeped as Dr Hayley got a printout of what happened to Larry's DNA sample.

"Whatcha got?" Dr O'Connor asked. "It says here that Larry's alien DNA is still there but it's paralysed, we need another dose of it in order to reboot it," Dr Hayley said. "And what happens if we don't do it right away?" Alex asked. "His lungs and digestive system wouldn't recover, he might need to switch to a tracheostomy for the rest of his life as well as getting a g-tube and we don't want that, we need to get his powers back as well," Dr Hayley explained, looking for the vial of alien DNA she stole from the labs committing unethical human experiments in Scotland. "Are you sure that works?" Alex asked. "Trust me, my dad dealt with an anti-psychic with the alien DNA before, he paralysed the Wild Boys' parents' powers before he restored them," Dr Hayley said, mentally preparing herself to see Larry on a non-invasive ventilator again.

She got the vial and syringe as she walked into the children's ICU. Larry was stable but his lungs collapsed and were filled with fluid. Because there were no more endotracheal tubes, Dr Hayley had no choice but to use the BiPAP which was meant for patients with weak respiratory muscles. Once she entered the room, she could barely recognise Larry, the mask that was connected to the ventilator was oversized, it almost covered the little boy's face. She almost regretted thinking that he was big enough for the adult size which was the only size available. She watched as Larry's chest rose and fell with the help of the pressure the ventilator put in his lungs with every little breath he took. "I'm so sorry, lad," Dr Hayley said, getting Larry's left arm that wasn't connected to the IV.

She rolled up his sleeve and nervously injected the alien DNA like she previously did to Roger. She felt a wave of relief once the procedure was done but she heard the voice of her rival haunting her. "So, you gave another dose to a different boy, huh?" Dr Richards asked. "What do you want?" Dr Hayley asked. "You could've just left him to die," Dr Richards said. "What are you talking about? That boy has cystic fibrosis," Dr Hayley said. "You sure? I don't think he's 14, I thought many CFers die at 14 but look at him, he's, I dunno, 16-17?" Dr Richards asked. "He's 17 and he managed to beat the life expectancy because of his alien DNA, but then Morrissey paralysed it with his anti-psychic powers. You know what, stop interfering with my work," Dr Hayley said, wanting Dr Richards to stop haunting her.

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