Chapter 7: The Seeds Of Love

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"So, did you get the Best Couple award? What did we miss?" Bono asked. "We did," Chris said. "Wow, that's great, can't believe we missed the dance," Larry said. "The dance was great before Morrissey revealed his true form," Roger said. Miyagi then chirped out something. "Morrissey's true form was a red-eyed Halargian, a parasite trying to steal the blue-eyed Halargians' planet," Curt said. "We're the blue-eyed Halargians," Paul said. "Yeah and because my powers are at their fullest potential, I gave my energy to all of you," Larry said. "Why did you do that? You could've been killed," Andy asked. "Because I cannot just sit there and do nothing but suffer while you guys are also suffering, so I have to save you guys and defeat Morrissey," Larry said.

"You didn't have to do that but I'm glad you did," Adam said. "So, is Morrissey dead?" Bono asked. "He's not, I placed a curse mark on him," Kate said. "A curse mark?" Bono asked. "What does it look like?" Larry asked. Kate grabbed a pencil and a paper and sketched out what the curse mark she gave to Morrissey looked like. After that, she showed it to Larry. "Wow, that's very detailed but simple," Larry said. "How does it work?" Bono asked. "This curse seal will slowly kill you every time you use your powers, only the blue-eyed are capable of this ability. They placed this curse on some red-eyed, Morrissey is the latest red-eyed to receive the curse and the first hybrid to do so," Kate explained. "So it's like a tattoo," Larry said. "Yes," Kate said. "But when you say 'slowly kill you," does that mean it'll weaken him?" Bono asked.

"Yes, every time he uses his powers, the cursed seal will weaken him until death. He'll gradually get sick and he'll slowly die," Kate said. "Like the curse God put on Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit," Edge said. "Wow, that's an interesting idea," Larry said. "He'll also learn what it's like being in our shoes, being chronically or terminally ill and all," John (Taylor) said. "How does it work?" Bono asked. "It'll come in five stages every time your power is used, first stage you'll get something as simple as the cold or flu, second stage it'll become mild pneumonia, third stage it'll be severe pneumonia to the point you need to be on oxygen all the time, fourth stage you'll be paralysed and the fifth and final stage, you'll rely on a ventilator because your lungs and respiratory muscles are very weak," Kate explained.

"And then death?" Sarah asked. "Exactly," Kate said. "Can't believe he'll have to deal with what we deal with all the time," Nicky said. "That's what he gets for bullying us all the time," Richard said. "Glad to be able to see him suffer," Tony said. "Yeah, he actually deserves it because he made all of us suffer," Steve (Norman) said. "So, what have you been doing in the hospital?" Siobhan asked. "I've just been sleeping, trying to have my heartbeat back to normal," Bono said. "Same, but woke up because I panicked, and again because of Miyagi and again because I wanna show Bono that I'm alive so overall I woke up a few times," Larry said. "And the BiPAP mask was pretty uncomfortable, right?" Roger asked. "Yeah, I even have some marks on my face because of it," Larry said.

"It'll disappear soon, don't worry," Bono said, brushing off Larry's bangs. "Does your skin get irritated?" Andy asked. "Yeah, I have very sensitive skin, the tape I used to have that holds this thing in place really burned my skin when I was young but I'm glad I don't need it anymore," Larry said. "So do I," Andy said. "Same, except that we have feeding tubes," Richard said. "I used to have an NG tube too for night feeds because I'm so skinny," Larry said. "Yeah, you're a tiny little leprechaun," Jon said which sort of pissed off Larry. "You know, just because I'm Irish, doesn't mean I'm a leprechaun," Larry said. "Or maybe there's a banshee sealed into you," Siobhan jokingly said. "Banshees are only women, my mum always tells me stories about them because I always hear screams from the TV," Larry said.

"Only for you to realise that it was another news report about the Irish troubles," Bono said. "Yeah, she's just protecting me, I mean, I don't scream when someone dies," Larry said. The Wild Boys continued talking to each other before they decided to watch a movie. "So, what movie do you want to play?" Curt asked. "What about Star Wars?" Dave asked. "Really? Be original, Dave," Mart said. "The Breakfast Club isn't even out here yet," Kate said. "Screw it, just stick with Star Wars," Adam said. "Okay, Star Wars it is," Curt said. He inserted the VHS tape in the VHS player as the movie began playing. "Can't believe you guys love sci-fi," Larry said. "And coming of age," Bryan said. The Wild Boys spent the night in the hospital and watched the movie. They had a great time together.

The Wild Boys will return...

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