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" i don't know what i did to deserve all this. i don't wanna be rude or on the defensive. but i've been goin' through it too. "

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it's been a few days since the whole olivia situation happened. it's given meredith some time to breathe and she has decided that she will be telling joe about what happened after practice today.

meredith is sitting at her kitchen table eating a bowl of strawberries for breakfast when all of a sudden there is a pounding sound coming from her front door. she sighs as she opens the front door revealing sam, tee, ja'marr, and evan.

"what are you guys doing here?" she questions.

"don't hate me," sam says quietly. "i filled them in on what happened. so we all come over because we love and care about you"

"awwww really?" she puts a hand on her heart to show how much this tiny gesture means to her.

"really" ja'marr smiles. meredith lets the group of boys into her house. she offers them any food they can find if they are hungry. then they all sit on the couch.

"i can't believe she let it slip" tee admits. "i mean, i already had a hunch she was using him, but to actually admit it out loud is a whole different story. "

"i think it's a bragging right to say, i never liked her," evan says.

"dude, no one in the locker room likes her, besides joe" ja'marr adds. "it makes me so mad that he got back together with her. he was much better off without her."

"don't you think it's a giant red flag when all of your friends tell you how she isn't a nice person? i just don't get it" sam sighs.

"not going to lie, i totally remember how happy and how he was such a different person when he got broken up with that summer of his rookie season. he had a smile on his face everywhere he went and he didn't have a single care in the world. that was the happiest i saw him since i met him" tee says.

"about that..." meredith says avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. "so, i may or may not have had a summer fling with joe that summer. well, i hate calling it a summer fling because summer flings usually don't mean anything or have any impact on you, but being with joe that summer definitely had an impact on me"

"what?" ja'marr looks at meredith as if he just saw a ghost.

"yep," she pops the 'p' sound.

"how were you here?" evan asks. "i mean from what i've heard, you moved back to ohio after that summer"

"i needed an escape after my mom died that january. so, after i finished my classes and graduated from college, i told sam i was going to visit him for the summer. after spending a few nights at sam, i wanted to be independent, i ended up getting my own place just for the summer" she explains.

"damn," tee says. "no wonder we all thought you would make a cute couple, the chemistry is totally there"

"well, i don't know if the chemistry will still be there after i tell him about what olivia said" she sighs.

summer love | joe burrowWhere stories live. Discover now