Chapter 6: Finn, Puck & Mercedes

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Finn and Puck sat on the couch in their college dorm room, their eyes fixed on the TV but not really watching. The news was on, and the anchor was talking about the recent school shooting at McKinley High.

"I can't believe it," Finn said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I mean, I know it happens all the time, but... at our school?"

Puck nodded solemnly. "Yeah. It's crazy. I'm just so grateful that everyone's okay."

There was a knock at the door and Mercedes walked in. "Hey guys," she said softly, giving them both a hug.

"Mercedes!" Finn exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion. "What are you doing here?"

"Just came to visit," she said with a small smile. "I heard about what happened and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay."

"We're fine," Puck said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just... shaken up, you know?"

Mercedes nodded sympathetically. "I know. It's scary to think about."

They sat in silence for a moment before Finn spoke up again. "You know what's weird? I feel like this whole thing has brought us closer together. Like, we're all just grateful to be alive and to have each other."

Puck nodded in agreement. "Yeah. It's like we're all in this together now."

Mercedes smiled at them both. "That's the power of friendship, I guess."

They sat there for a while longer, talking about their memories of McKinley and how grateful they were that everyone had made it through the tragedy.

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