Chapter 26

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(we gon do a small time skip cause yeah)

Simone POV

Imani and I have been together for about two weeks now and it's been great. We walk around campus holding hands, cuddle and watch a movie every night, and she even introduced me to her team. It all has been so great honestly.

I have been struggling a bit tho in my head because I'm trying not to let my issues control me. What I mean by that is mainly my trust issues. They're the worst ones I have, and I want to let my guard completely down with Imani, but it's been hard.

I was hurt so many times by people who swore they loved and cared for me, so it's hard for me to do that all over again with someone new. It's hard for me to not think the same thing is gonna happen.

" Babe what's wrong ? " Imani asked, rubbing on my ass. We were watching Mulan, but I guess she could tell I wasn't being attentive since it's one of my favorite movies.

" Nothing, just thinking, " I admitted, sighing.

" About ? " She pressed, looking up at me.

I really didn't wanna talk about this right now, but I was trying to do better with my communication. That's been really hard for me to do too. Imani has been very patient with me, but I'm scared I will push her away for good.

" I just wish that so many people didn't do me wrong in my past because I am in constant fear that the same cycle will happen, and that you will leave me just like them," I said, feeling tears form in my eyes.

I'm on my period okay ?

" Simone I'm not leaving you alright ? I don't know how I can promise and reassure you more baby I wish I could, but I'm apart of your future, not those from your past, " She said as she wiped the tears on my face.

" Okay, " I croaked as she pulled me closer to her and I felt myself dozing off.

*Small time skip*

I woke up still in the bed with Imani as she lightly snored. I chuckled, grabbing my phone to check it seeing I had a few insta notifications.

shel0vesmani mentioned you in their story

I went to Imani's story seeing she posted a picture of us to Fireworks by Drake and Alicia Keys. We took the picture in the mirror of our bathroom last week and it was me putting my lashes on her as a joke.


" Baby you don't need them lashes, you already so beautiful, " Imani complimented me.

" Thank you pooh, " I blushed "they make me feel like a bad bitch tho."

" Put some on me, " She joked but tried to stop me as I got a pair for her.

" Come onnnn, " I laughed as she pouted.

" Now you know I wasn't serious ma, " She grumbled as I smirked and I got one on.

I don't even remember her taking this picture but it's actually so cute. I was mid laughing and her face was scrunched up as she took the picture.

I reposted it on my story and closed the app. I had a few messages from Sasha talking about her boyfriend, which was all she talked about these days. Honestly it's starting to blow me, we never see each other anymore and when we do she's quick to ditch me as soon as she hears from him. I'm probably gonna end up cutting her off soon.

My stomach started to growl as I groaned, not feeling like going to get food. Imani was starting to wake up, and I asked her to go get us food and she agreed. She knew I was on my period, but she never minds doing that for us.

I put my beats on and listened to some calming music and laid back down for a second to relax. There was a knock at the door tho and I asked who it was.

" It's Jamie, can we talk ? " Jamie responded as I froze.

" No, we can't ! "

" Please, I miss you, " She admitted as I scrunched my face up.

" Jamie you barely know me, please just go away, " I pleaded as she sighed.

" Fine ma, " She mumbled as I heard her walking away. A few minutes later, Imani walked in looking mad.

" The fuck was Jamie doing here ? "

" Relax, she tried to come in to talk I guess, but I said no, " I replied, grabbing her hands and pulling her down.

She searched my eyes before nodding and handing me my food and I thanked her as we began eating.

" Would you ever let me give you head ? " I asked as she choked on her food.

" Ummm... if you want to sure, " She hesitated as I laughed.

" I've actually never given head before, " I admitted as she chuckled. "It's not funny !"

" You so innocent Simone... opposites really do attract," She was full on laughing now as I crossed my arms.

" Alright Imani you fucking got it you just blew me, " I stood up as she pulled me right back down onto her lap.

" Mmcht baby you know I'm just fucking with you, " She smirked as I rolled my eyes.

" Naw cause ain't shit funny let me fucking go, " I said sternly as she let me go. " So you don't like me no mo ?"

" Girl talk to me when yo coochie done bleeding out, " She groaned, throwing our trash away.

" You prolly a baby on yours too, " I argued.

" Oh you have no idea, this not about me tho, " She scoffed as I laughed and she got a text. " Oh damn the team wanna meet, I'll be back later baby."

" But- but- "

" You bet not fucking cry, I skipped Thursday I have to gooo, " She chuckled as tears formed in my eyes. She bent down to kiss my forehead as she left out and I started crying.

I promise it's the blood man...

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