7. Insecurities

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"Your skin is too dry." Cersei remarked before the feast.

"I'm sorry." Sasha answered as though it was her fault the cold northern air was making the powders unable to stick to her face and make her presentable like Cersei wanted.

"You will just have to stay here then." Cersei decided and Sasha stared back at her confused. "I will have someone bring you some food." Cersei added before leaving. Sasha plopped back down on her bed, discouraged.

 Well this was just great. She lit another candle and pulled open a book she got from the starks library. She got about a third of the way through before there was a knock on the door. 

She put her book down, spin up, pages flat to the bed to hold her spot as she moved to the door. 


"Come on Sasha." Tyrion declared. 

"Tyrion, Cersei said-"

"I dont care what Cersei said, you are beautiful." Tyrion declared. "And the starks want to see you." 

"I dont know Tyrion." Sasha countered nervously. 

"Come on-" Tyrion declared. "This is a jail break!" 

"Cersei said-"

"Fuck cersei, come on!" Tyrion declared leading her down the hallway, she laughed out as he pulled her hand marching along. 

"I need a drink-'

"I need to not be here." Sasha remarked pulling from Tyrion's grasp. He reached out for her but she was already running outside, she didnt want to upset cersei on their first day here. 

Sasha was outside soaking in the snowflakes and the moonlight when a wolf came up to her. 

"Hello, arent you just the handsomest boy in the world!" Sasha decided as she dropped to her knees. Jon stared back at her. "Oh, thank you!" Sasha laughed out as Ghost licked at her face. 

"As you can see he is a vicious attack wolf." Jon mused, Sasha looked up as Jon from the snow. 

"Yes, vicious." Sasha agreed. "He is so handsome, a direwolf?"

"Yes, thats right." Jon agreed. "You are... a lannister?" Jon questioned looking her over. Red dress but brown hair, tinted with lannister golden hues. 

"Sasha Lannister, nice to meet you." Sasha remarked but she didnt rise up, Ghost was sitting in her lap now keeping her hostage as she pet him, scratched her nails along his back and neck, Jon watched his tail wagging away. 

"Jon Snow, my lady." He answered. "I hope you dont mind me asking, why arent you in the feast with everyone else?" 

"My sister doesnt want me to make a bad impression." Sasha admitted. "What about you?"

"Lady Stark didnt want to seat a bastard among the royal family." Jon answered. 

"Well we have quite the family." Sasha agreed. Ghost jumped up moving to Jon whining for food when Sasha saw a berry bush, she brushed herself off and moved to it. "Blueberries?" Sasha pulled one from the bush but it pricked her she pulled her hand back and sucked at her finger stopping the trickle of blood. 

"Winter berries." Jon corrected he moved to the bush, he had gloves on so he was able to pull a cluster off the branch. Jon held out a few for Sasha and she took one from him thanking him as she put it in her mouth.

"OH!" She squealed with delight. "That's delicious." Sasha declared. He poured the rest into her hand. "Thank you... winter berries... can they only grow in the north?"

"I don't know." Jon admitted. "I have only ever been in the north, at Winterfell." Jon informed her.

"I would say I would try to save a few to try and grow back home but I think I might eat your whole stock." Sasha admitted her tongue turning purple. "I love blueberries, I am always turning my lips blue back home, my father keeps them in high demand back home too for me."

"Thats sweet... and what of your mother?" Jon pondered. 

"I dont remember her, she... she's somewhere in the world." Sasha offered. "She didnt like... me and my father and took off when I was a babe." 

"I'm sorry." 

"You ever find it easier to tell a stranger all of the things heavy on your mind instead of someone you know already?" Sasha pondered. 

"I'm the bastard of Ned Stark, that is my title. I dont fit in with my family. Lady stark makes sure of it, that I am out of place." Jon remarked. It was easier telling her all this because clearly she felt similarly and somehow Jon trusted this woman, this stranger with his insecurities. They spent the better part of an hour talking until Sasha was frozen and said she had to go inside before she lost a toe. 

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