" Friend zone?"

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killua went outside and went in the elevator to lower ground, killua waited patiently until the elevator doors finally opened

 he went to the receptionist sad said "Where can I find Mr. kurapika killua asked''

''a lady responded ''he is at the side of the hall, just go straight ahead then turn on your left ''Thank you'' killua replied. he went to Kurapika's office barged into his door, and caught him having a blowjob with a guy who was a little older than him or way older than him, he has a tall slender figure, and weird-looking glasses and the guy had side-burns too.

killua was shocked by what he had seen just now, kurapika was so embarrassed, the guy with side-burns why are you stopping kurapik-AAHH--, it's NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE,''

 mhm, yeah you weren't just deepthroating that blonde chick over there.''killua said sarcastically, '' just shut up leorio!! we have been exposed..''

 kurapika said blushing red as a tomato, Oh, and are you killua Zoldyck perhaps? kurapika questioned ''uh, yeah, and also I have something to say about gon.. '' you mean gon freeccss? the one that was hired just now? 

kurapika exclaimed '' yeah but please don't fire him I know he missed cleaning from V.I.P rooms that he was meant to clean BUT please don't fire him it was my fault I let him work too hard that's why he passed out and... missed all his cleanings in room 404 and 405 ''

 hmm I was gonna fire him but I just pity the boy, he is just 16 years old and working hard to make money to support his aunt.. but I'll let this slide on one condition

' kurapika said with a serious face, he showed no hints of a jokingly manner, his eyes were also dull and empty '' alright but it better not be HASTY..''


 kurapika shouted '' OKAY, OKAY JEEZZ! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME I THOUGHT YOU GONNA.. you know what never mind-''

 and also kurapika.. can you.-- well -- uh make gon my private servant? killua said blushing in embarrassment ''okay killua but why?" kurapika asked curiously "No literal reason really-'' killua replied, kurapika insisted"

 Why would you want Gon to be your private servant? you can tell me... I sighed and looked up to kurapika and advised him on what makes him so important to me, well I don't wanna also spoil my mission so I kind of lied about some things I told him,

 ''Oh I see so killua then I'll grant this permission gon can still have his job '' killua thanked kurapika and told kurapika I would head upstairs to check up on Gon, kurapika waved goodbye.

 as I rushed into the elevator and waited patiently for the elevator doors to open. the elevator doors finally opened I ran to my room and quickly took the keycard from my pocket and pressed it against the door

 I open the door to see Gon in a bathrobe waiting for me patiently he was shivering from the coldness of the A.C '' gon do you have clothes to wear or..''

 gon shook his head '' I moaned in annoyance, gon smiled sheepishly sticking his tongue out, as I saw him bring out that cute expression I could feel the heat rushing through my cheeks

then all of a sudden it started raining heavily, gon can't go with just a robe taking a bus to his house well obviously. I said to myself'' What did kurapika say??!!'' Gon asked ''

it's gonna be okay gon I convinced him not to fire you. Killua sighed and sat beside Gon ''OMGEEEE THANK YOU KILLUA I APPRECIATE IT!! gon smiled and hugged killua, killua pulled Gon's hug and told him there was only one condition killua said to Gon'' 

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