"A Murderer's Secret"

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killua left saying his goodbyes to aunt mito, he jumped in his car and drove back to the hotel he was staying in, he quickly went to his room "shit, shit.. why does Illumi always-,

 "Always what kill? A man said in a monotone voice, killua flinched slightly he did not sense illumi's presence.

 "what are you doing here, it was clear the orders were just for me, I don't need help I can do this mission on my own," killua said in an annoyed tone

 Illumi stared at Killua and sighed "Kill... you probably don't watch the news right?

 killua raised a brow, Illumi sighed "The news was heard all over the people living on this island, that an assassin was living under their noses"

 Killua was stunned he couldn't help but think 

"What would gon think if he found out I'm a murderer that's about to kill his dad?" killua was lost in his thoughts,

 Illumi looked at killua and chuckled "You're not a virgin anymore aren't you" killua said confidently "You bet I am" illumi froze and replied I was just guessing kill... who is the boy though? killua scoffed "Why would you want to know, you will probably kill him or something so HELL NAW.

" Illumi responded why would I kill someone you treasure the most, I am just trying to make you happier, look I might not be the type to say these things to you but I am your brother and I care for you kill...

 look the CIA they are confiscating everyone in town. so I am assigning you not to blow your cover on this island, we might suffer some casualties and our faces could be identified, I am enrolling you in a school, this is only for the mission don't forget you will still be assigned to kill Ging Freeccss oh and don't worry you will be classmates with your fuck buddy" Illumi said sarcastically.

"I bid my farewells to Gon too" illumi responded. killua was just confused about why was Illumi helping him WAIT HOW DOES HE KNOW?? WHAT THE-, suddenly his phone rang.

killua picked up his phone "Hello?"


K: hey, "Killua replied in a depressing tone"

G: Is something wrong?

Gon was in deep thought "Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt killua? Was I a nuisance to him? Of course not, get a hold of yourself freeccss".

K: it's nothing it's just a family matter.. oh, I'll come by your house is that alright?

G: Yeah sure!

K: Kay I'll be there maybe.. around 7 pm?

G: don't take too long okay?

K: okay~ cya!

G: see you!!

Killua hung up "Man I wanna do it with him again SO BAD" Killua shooked his head no, no, no, I must take it slow for now I guess-.. oh well I take a quick shower I must smell, look nice for my future husband, well I'm already hot though-". killua stripped himself and went to the bathroom.


Gon was squealing from excitement "Whew!, calm down, no need to panic, I mean he is just gonna hang out with me for a while. BUT WHAT IF-, GAAAAAHHH I need to get this lewd thought out of my head. all of a sudden he heard aunt mito calling Gon,

 Gon quickly went downstairs, "yes aunt mito?", "I'll be visiting your grandmother alright? and also turn off the stove when the soup is ready okay?" Aunt Mito responded gon nodded excitedly "Alright I'll get going now!" aunt mito said  "Wait!" aunt mito turned around and raised a brow then all of the sudden gon hugged her, "be safe aunt mito!" aunt mito nodded.


Killua arrived at Gon's house, he knocked on Gon's door then he saw Gon open the door his heart skipped a beat whenever he saw Gon, Gon slowly open the door and saw killua by the door, killua smiled then suddenly Gon hugged him, "missed me already?~" killua said teasingly Gon blushed in embarrassment and let go of the hug "s-shut up.." killua just loved it whenever gon stutters when he is nervous, killua settled his things beside the couch

 Gon called killua to the kitchen, killua walked towards the kitchen and saw Gon in an apron tasting soup, as the moment gon saw killua walked in gon quickly called killua "Killua come here!" killua approached Gon and asked "Are you brewing soup?" gon nodded and excitedly asked "Killua! taste it!" gon took out a spoon and scooped up the soup the pointed the spoon at killua's mouth, killua slurped the soup, he was amazed of the flavor he smiled at gon and said "it's delicious but you know what's more delicious~?

"killua dipped a spoon in the pot and ate the soup gon raised a brow and suddenly killua fed it to Gon not by a spoon but by his mouth, killua was dominating Gon's mouth

 Gon's heart was on fire his heart was beating so fast he couldn't count the beats, killua released the kiss and lick his lips "That tasted better than the soup alone right?~"

 gon grabbed killua's cheeks and kissed him once more, as they kissed killua carried Gon to the counter and squeezed Gon's thighs, killua's tongue was traveling every part of gon's mouth, as killua travels his tongue to every inch of gon's mouth as Gon let out soft moans and killua was loving it.

 killua held Gon's thighs and carried him to his room yet they did not let go of their kiss, as killua let go of their kiss he asked "Gon are you sure you want to do this?"

 gon pushed killua on his bed "so I guess that's a yes."

 killua muttered silently gon straddled killua. gon traced killua's abs and slowly took off his shirt and slipped his hands all the way to killua crotch area "Oh my~ what's this?~, you want to get relieved?~ sure thing~"

 gon slowly took off killua's pants as he saw killua's 9 inched cock and kissed killua's tip and began to swirl his tongue on the tip, killua was loving it!

 killua looked at Gon's booty shorts and killua slowly took off Gon's shorts, gon started to suck harder, and killua smirked "If you really want it so bad so be it"

 killua's cum started traveling through Gon's throat gon wiped off the cum on his cheeks, all of a sudden killua smelled something burning "You gon did you turn off the stove?"

" Oh shit, shit I forgot! gon wore on his shorts and quickly went downstairs killua chuckled and muttered "You cute idiot"

 killua hopped off the bed and put on his pants and went downstairs to see Gon scared and shocked, killua bended down "Let me help you" "Thanks killua..., after they were done cleaning, Killua grabbed Gon's thighs and whispered "Wanna continue our unfinished business?~" Gon whimpered and nodded softly

 as killua was about to dominate Gon's lips Aunt mito was staring at us, she was holding her phone and started to take pictures, gon was blushing so hard

 I find it cute so I carried Gon bridal style towards aunt mito, aunt mito was squealing from excitement" so are you both together!"



HI GUYS SORRY FOR THE LONG HIATUS ON THIS I SWEAR GUYS THE BREAK OF NOT WRITING FEELS GOOD CURRENTLY IM WATCHING BLUE LOCK MY FAVE IS BACHIRA HE IS SOO CUTEE LIKE WTFFFFF|| back to the topic This might take a while to post again thank you tho for 16 votes I appreciate it love ya horn-knee readers!!

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