"After last night"

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Killua woke up beside Gon, he was shocked he saw Gon with no clothes on and hickeys all around his body, HE THOUGHT IT WAS A WET DREAM OR LUCID DREAM BUT I FUCKING DID IT LAST NIGHT?!. OH, SHIT I DID IT WITHOUT GONS CONSENT OH BOY, WHAT DO I DO NOW?! I JUST MET HIM YESTERDAY NOW I'M SLEEPING WITH HIM Jeez..

 he went under his blanket and saw it smelled something weird, fuck this is Definitely cu- .

 he was interrupted by a phone call, killua stretched his arms and reached out his phone, and declined the call. 

"ugh that dipshit keeps calling me every fucking hour, GOD.

 Killua went to look at Gon, and suddenly Gon slowly opened his eyes to see he was sleeping with killua gon jumped in shocked he asked 'WHA- WHY AM I IN YOUR BED KILLUA? AND WHY AM I NAKED?! GON SHOUTED"

 I SWORE WHEN I WOKE UP YOU WERE JUST IN MY BED I WON'T DO SUCH A THING WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT killua shouted"  I trust you killua but, I don't know why I can't... gon quickly went to the bathroom,

 killua was just in deep thought shit shit shit what did I do I am sure did nothing to romance him last night or did I? if did it without his consent I would do anything to make it up to him killua jumped off his bed then went to the bathroom to apologize to gon

killua knocked "hello gon, look I'm sorry okay? I was unaware, I had sex with you look please come out of the bathroom and talk to me. killua pleaded in a teary voice

gon came out of the bathroom and hugged Killua"' Look maybe it was my fault you know don't go around blaming yourself okay killua? "gon said in a teary voice" 

killua nodded as Gon tighten the hug killua said "Whoa we are still showing our junks oh he said awkwardly, gon sheepishly laughed sticking his tongue out.

 killua smiled and went back to his bedroom to check some things out while he was overly driven by his high sex drive, he went to change his clothes and give Gon some of killua's small clothes that could not fit him anymore

 as Gon took a bath in killua's bathroom he was deeply in thought " what would aunt mito say if she saw me like this, sleeping with a guy I just met?, god I am so dumb he said to himself. he felt satisfied but guilty as hell

gon stepped out of the shower and saw killua sticking his arms out while looking away to give him some clothes, gon smiled and said "Thank you killua!"  just take them these are the clothes that don't fit me anymore" killua responded

 gon quickly changed in the bathroom " is this killua's small clothes? they are huge, maybe because of his muscular build? gon muttered,

 as gon was done changing his clothes he walked to the bathroom to see Killua waiting for him, killua cooked breakfast for Gon this was his sorry regards for sleeping with him without Gon's consent

gon slowly walked into the kitchen and thanked killua for letting him stay in his apartment. killua answered no it's alright gon really'', oh, and please eat while I grab my phone here okay? gon nodded Killua went to his room and grabbed his phone and immediately went to check up on Gon when he walked up to the kitchen he saw Gon's eyes were dull and full of regret,

killua approached Gon and asked '' gon are you alright? I can drop you off at your house if you like. '' killua said in a worried tone" Oh but of course he still hasn't forgotten about his mission to assassinate Ging Freeccss, gon hugged killua wiping his tears in killua's hoodie,

 please take me home.." gon said sniffling like a little child lost in a playground, of course, anything for you gon" killua said in a calm tone" 

killua sat beside Gon while eating an omelet and bacon, "WOOOOWW THIS TASTES REALLY GOOD you really are an amazing cook killua!!!!" Gon exclaimed loudly killua blushed " don't you get embarrassed saying those stuff?" killua said flustered 

" why its the truth?" gon replied then smiled,

 killua had butterflies just seeing gon smile" man I'm falling for you harder every time you smile," killua said to Gon but not aloud just to himself 

" well when you finish eating, I will take you home okay? killua mentioned "Thanks!" gon replied, as gon finished eating killua grabbed his car keys and his phone

he went to the living room to see Gon swinging his legs back and forth like a little kid, gon jumped when he saw killua " KILLUWAAAA!!!" gon shouted

killua chuckled and said 'shall we get going now?" gon nodded "un!", killua took his keycard and open the door letting gon go first like a gentleman, gon asked " is this really ok, I mean you let me take a shower in your bathroom let me sleep in your bed and let me eat in yo- gon was interrupted

" I told you it's fine" killua replied with a smile, gon walked around the halls, they went to the elevator and went down, as they enter the parking lot,

 killua escorted Gon to killua's Chevrolet Silverado Midnight Editioned car gon gasped in shock "WOAH ITS SO COOL!!!" his voice echoed through the huge parking lot.

 killua put his left hand in Gon's mouth and told him to stay quiet, gon nodded. killua felt Gon's warm breath in his hands, gon asked "So can you let go of your hand on my mouth?" 

oh right sorry" killua said in a joking manner. As soon as on walked taking only a step he winced, killua noticed it right away and asked, "Are you alright?" gon answered "No my butt kinda hurts, and I have some bruises around my neck" 

killua chuckled "Gon those aren't bruises they are- killua was interrupted by Gon "They are?? please tell me?" gon asked with a pouty face and puppy eyes,

'damn those puppy eyes killua muttered, killua sighed as he carried Gon "Bridal style" Gon shouted hey put me down!! and what are these bruises around my neck? " I'll tell you when we get in the car" killua replied 

"So I guess he is that innocent huh?.." he muttered in his mind' 

 killua was cut off by Gon "so killua why does my butt hurt why do I have bruises on my neck? killua sighed "Gon the bruises on your neck are called hickeys, a mark caused by lovers or someone biting or sucking on their skin I've maybe the one who cause that, and also I don't want to explain the other one" killua said awkwardly

gon blushed as red as scarlet roses that bloom in spring, killua chuckled you don't have to worry this time I will respect your personal space and well maybe take it to a friend zone? 

(killua lied he didn't want Gon to be freaked out about it and, he wanted Gon to be more than just friends)

 are you okay with that? gon wanted to take it slow to get to know each other so he said "Sure killua!! I can be your friend, NO... I WILL BE YOUR FRIEND!! he said smiling

killua's heart melted as he saw Gon's sweet golden smile, killua chuckled "alright, alright don't buzz about ) killua wanted to make gon forget the fact they slept with each other before they were officially friends T-T) 





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