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Myself and Thomas slid against the wall hitting the walls against the door.

" BRENDA ARE YOU OK " Thomas shouted down of course she's not going to be okay she's on glass that is cracked 150 feet in the air.

" Yeah" she sighed rolling her eyes. Looking down at what was beneath her pure concrete rocks metal and sand. She tried standing up when she even placed her hand on the glass it started to crack.

" NO BRENDA DON'T MOVE WE'RE COMING DOWN " Thomas shouted as we slid down Brenda managed to stand up with a glass was cracking uncontrollably. He reached out for her hand as well as mine. And just to make matters worse a crank comes out of nowhere. Flies down onto Brenda crashing her to the glass.

" NO NO NO NO NO " me and Thomas shouted at the same time. She was now wrestling raccoon with rabies like crank. Slobbering.

" SELENA THOMAS HELP ME " luckily she managed to kick the crank so it ended up on the other side of the glass but within 10 seconds of her getting up he viciously crawled up and smashed his teeth into the side of her leg. Brenda let out a blood cuddling screen Thomas crad a metal slab and smashed the glass were the crank fell along with Brenda but Thomas grabbed hold of her arm before she could fall.

" Got you " Thomas said out of bread breath as I pulled them both over the ledge of the glass. After 10 minutes of running down 16 flights of metal stairs we were on ground again and I was starting to miss Tommy and Newt. Brenda sat on the ground and took out a piece of material.

" Hey you okay" I asked

She pulled up her trouser leg which revealed a very bloody deep scratch and teeth marks with a bruise already forming around it.

" Shit " she sighed didn't look as bad as Winston's yet

"Brenda "

" Yeah yeah I know let's just go find Marcus " she said trying not to let it worry her. We started to hear people chattering civilization people. Never carriages that were horses garbage cans on fire.

" Okay try to blend in" Brenda said as she continued to walk through the crowd myself and Thomas following people were cooking rats and rabbits and other slices of meat over an open fire people made houses out of old broken down trucks.

" Are you sure this is the place" Thomas asked.

" You here for the party " a girl with long blonde hair said mostly to Thomas.

" Uh we're looking for Marcus this is his place isn't it "

" This is my place " a voice bring us out of our conversation with this party chick. He was blonde with really dark circles under his eyes I couldn't tell if it was makeup or if he had had sleep in a while he wore necklaces around his neck and a purple blazer with a low cut shirt.

" Are you Marcus " I asked. He looked it down at me with confusion on his face.

" Marcus does not live here anymore "

" Do you know where we could find him " Brenda questioned.

The man fiddled with the beads on his necklace.

" Sure sure he's over in Zone B " he told us as the girl came over stroking Thomas's shoulder.

" And where's the Zone B " Thomas asked confusion and suspicion written all over his face. The blonde girl put her face right on the edge of his ear and whispered

" It's where they burn the bodies " she giggled. Brenda look down frustrated.

" Hey look has anyone else been by here looking for him group of kids around our age they had a girl with them dark hair and a child blonde hair " Thomas question further taking a step closer to the man.

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