After the Game - Sakuatsu Ft. KageHina

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There be Fluff and Lemons here.

Read your own risk.

Just like always Hinata went the bathroom before the match today and well he didn't expect he would run into Kageyama.

'It's been so long since we have been together.'

he thought to himself trying to not get upset before the match against the boy that stood over him. "Hey buttward! Had a fun time in Rio?" Kageyama scowled down at his boyfriend who was wearing a different uniform from him.

"Yeah, heaps, made some friends saw Oikawa-San, and played some volleyball with him and I was getting better then you'll ever be." Hinata childishly poked his tongue out at the other. Kageyama growled leaning down to get into Hinata's face. "Yeah we'll see about that after the match, when I win! Shortcake!" Kageyama couldn't help but smack himself in the head, when he said that, because Hinata stood back looking up at him, with a light pink in his cheeks shocked at what he had said with out thinking.
'I know I missed him but, argh why did I call him Shortcake like some adorable pet name. Stop looking at me with those sparkling Amber eyes.'

Kageyama could feel the heat raise into his cheeks especially when Hinata responds with. "Well, you will see when I beat your ass on the court, Blueberry eyes!" Hinata shouts then cursed his brain under his breath. That made Kageyama hold his hands to his face.

'Arh he gave me a pet name too now! How are we gonna be okay playing today if this keeps up.'
Kageyama growled turn away from Hinata. Suddenly he saw on of his Teammates running toward them and he panicked a bit trying to run away until he called out. "Kageyama-Kun let's go Ushijima's looking for you." Hoshiumi one of Kageyama' s teammates called out and Jumped in excitement when seeming Hinata.

"Hey The Little giant!" Hinata sprung up in the air forgetting about the moment just before.
The seagull looking boy met up and gave Hinata slap on the back. "Yo, if it isn't the Greatest Decoy! We're gonna win today y'hear!" Hoshiumi laughed at Hinata's next response. "No way! We are I'll prove it!" he said smiling with determinations fire flicking in his eyes. "Well we should go then, you said Ushijima-Kun was looking for me." Kageyama interrupted the two small balls of energy. They waved to each other claiming they would be the ones to win until they couldn't see each other any more. Nice know how determined they were.

*Time skip - after the Match, Sakuatsu - Lemons Below*

MSBY Black jackals vs Schweiden ADLERS.

The match was over, They won.

The adrenalin from the game was still rushing through their bodies when they made the hazy unnational decision to walk off the closest bathrooms together. To "Celebrate" as the piss blonde hair teammate said the man, afraid of germs and always wore a mask unless playing a match.
Some would say looking at how fast the walked to the bathrooms that they were a bit eager for it.

Sakusa held the door open for the other to walk in and let the door close before he grabbed Atsumu by the collar, and slammed him to the wall. One hand next to the other head as he leaned in closer to close the gap between them, his hot breath on Atsumu's lips sent a tingle down his spine. He wanted to him already.
Breathing heavily from the anticipation he felt of them closer then they had ever been and the little voice in Sakusa's head saying they might get caught if they did this now.
He decided to ignore the voice in his head, and listened to his instinct to ravish the man below him. Atsumu was stuck between the wall and the sexy smirking Sakusa who pushed himself to finally land his lips on Atsumu's.

It was calm for a moment before Atsumu reached his arms up and hooked them around Sakusa's neck desperately deepening the kiss. Atsumu's mouth opened enough for Sakusa to then stick his wet tongue in and let him explore Atsumu's mouth for the first time.
Atsumu's hands reached up into Sakusa's curls, as their mouth both started moving together, slowly it became a tongue fight, grunts and heavy breaths, and drooping eyes that had become blurred vision.

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