The Hole in the wall - WashiSaru

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The day was the same as any other. The Fukurodani boys volleyball team, had finished practice for the day and were all making their ways over to the club room.

Washio linger behind everyone to pack away the net with the help of Komi, who seemed a bit flustered and all jittery once everyone else was gone.

"Thank for the help Komi." Washio says to his team mate, Komi laughs to himself. "Nah it's all good man." he responds waving a hand in front of his face. "I mean they all just left it here, like this. It's only fair."

"Yeah, I'll have to talk about it with Bokuto tomorrow." he grumbles as they finished and closing the doors behind them. The keys already taken back by Sarukui earlier. So they just started their way to the front gates of the school.

'What would Sarukui be up to right now? Having dinner maybe. Thinking of. Sarukui seemed a bit off in practice today. He was missing all tosses from Akaashi.'

Washio became deeply in thought about their number 3 player.

'It couldn't be Akaashi's doing, but he seemed fine. Maybe Saru is stressed about final exams coming up soon.'

The two stopped at the shoe lockers as Komi changed his shoes over to his outsides shoes, but stuck thinking about Saru, for some reason, just stands there starring off into his own world of thoughts, and started walking again when Komi said he was done.

'And then their is Spring High Preliminaries coming up so the pressure to perform just as good as Bokuto could be getting to him. Some of team have said they feel that way sometimes.'

Washio glancing down at his feet, snapped out his head and suddenly stopped. He was still wearing his indoor shoes.

"Ah wait, I forgot to change my shoes." he says huffed a laugh as he waved Washio a good bye leaving without him.

Washio jogging back into the building he had just walked through, placing his bag next to him when he found his shoe locker.

He sighs when he wonders why he was so suddenly worried about Sarukui.
Opening the little door of his locker to see his own outside shoes and on top of them lay a red envelope.

Washio frowns at it in confusion.
"That's new." he says to himself, picking it up to inspect. The strange thing is that, his locker was empty earlier, it was just his shoes and nothing else.

So this letter was put in his locker recently this afternoon. He flipped it around, the front of the envelope was blank.

Washio was tempted to open it now but the school gates were going to close up soon, so he shrugged shoving it in his pocket and quickly changed shoes before jogging out the gate.

Once he got home, he went straight to his room, throwing his bag and uniform off across the room. Taking the envelope out of the pocket now sitting at his desk. Staring at it, before picking it up and ripped it open. A white sheet of paper. On it a typed message.

That read:

Hello there, to who ever this was given to.

If you are reading this. Meet me in the 3rd years Boys bathrooms, Friday.

Go to the 2nd end stall and wait until the 15:00, just before Club activities start.

Don't forget to wear a cloth mask to cover you voice. As this will be a mostly anonymous venture.

And Don't be late.

- Y

He finished reading it. Confused.

There was no indication of what it was about or Why it was in HIS locker.

"Y. Who is that? And what do they want?" he wonders, when he is called down for dinner.

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