Spooky crushes - Konokomi

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"Hey hey hey! Guys Oikawa is having a Halloween party his place this weekend!" the aces voice heard through the gym, holding up his phone as if everyone could see it, from all the way cross the other side of the gym.

It was the end of a later after school practice for the Fukurodani Boys Volleyball Club. Late after school practice was pretty normal most teams, this team not usually.
But the Springs High Nationals were coming up in a few weeks so they took as much time to practice as they could, and not forgetting to take time to rest up when needed.

"It's costume party, more the merrier and He says Couples costumes encouraged." he finished as everyone had finally finished taking down the net and storing it away properly. "Wow, Oikawa is inviting us to a Halloween party huh?" Konoha says to himself as he placed a broom in the storage room next to him Akaashi places the last neatly.

Konoha looks at the pretty green eyes boy beside him flushing and thinking that he shod finally take this as a chance to get closer with him as he is usually just always with Bokuto, there isn't many times that you could find Akaashi by himself at school.
So this rare little moment would be foolish not to take.

'Here it's goes'

"Hey Akaashi, do you wanna you to the party together." He spoke up tapping Akaashi's shoulder. "Oh, sorry Konoha I'm already going with Bokuto, Kenma and Kuroo." Just his luck.

'of course he's going with Bokuto.' Konoha sighs walking out of the storage room. "Oh okay, you have fun then yeah?" he said picking up his bags as they all shuffles out of the gym. "I'm really sorry Konoha, I'm sure you'll find someone to go with." Akaashi called out to him from the door. Konoha silently waves a goodbye to him staring down at the ground. "Right."

"Hey Kono! Come take the keys back with me." a voice called out to him. He looked over his shoulder to see Komi waving him to follow. He happily complied turning around and running in the direction his friend was walking.
"See ya Friday everyone, remember to get some rest the next 2 days okay!" Washio called out parting from the rest but still with Sarukui.

"Geez why isn't Washio Capitan, instead of Emo Owl over there." Konoha faking a smile to hid his disappointment. "What happened?" Komi's voice coming out flat, knowing all to well about his team mates feeling for Akaashi. Can you blame him, I bet everyone had some feelings for Akaashi at some point. "Nothing." Konoha looks away biting his lip as the pushed to door of the main building open making their way to the teachers office.
"You don't usually make those kind of comments unless Bokuto affected you somehow recently. And they get worse the more you keep it to yourself." Komi raises one of his brows at the other.

"You know me to well Komi." Konoha huffed, his shoulders going limp and blinking a few times.


"Damn Bokuto, he never leaves Akaashi alone. When I met him in the Storage room alone just us two. I asked him to the party but his is already going with Bokuto and Nekoma's captain and Setter." Konoha grumbled, complaining aloud to the shorter boy, who only pat his friends shoulder.

"Now I've complained, it's your turn Komi." Konoha rubbed his face feeling really tired all of sudden. "Oh nah I got nothing to say about...." Komi stopped for a moment thinking with he wanted to take this time to let his own feelings be heard.
That was just how Konoha and Komi were to each. Taking turns to hear out complaints about their crushes.

"Washio and Sarukui are dating now." he decided to say. "Woah really?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't want anyone to know yet, so don't say anything to the rest of the team okay. For his sake." the brown haired boy gulping closing his eyes.

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