Hello Princey - SunaKomo

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When Sakusa said they were going out to another Kingdom today, Komori didn't know it was for marriage talk with one of the prince's from this Kingdom.

Komori always found talk of 'benefits of alleying with neighbouring kingdoms through marriage, the politics and possiblities of a war and such' Just so boring!

He'd much rather be exploring the castles and towns of the places he was dragged along to.

"Welcome princes Kiyoomi and Motoya of Itachiyama, to the Kingdom of Inarizaki home of the Miya princes Atsumu and Osamu." A loud monotone voice introduced them from outside the carriage. Sakusa smacks Komori to fix his hair as the wind had messed it up on the ride over.

"Alright Motoya, for the sake of our kingdom. Could you please behave yourself this time, this one prince could be my future husband.

I don't want them to decline my father's offer this time because of YOU making a fool of us."

"I was just trying to have a little fun." Komori crossed his arms over his chest huffing, swatting Kiyoomi's hand away from him.

"Getting drunk, running around screaming, starting a food fight and Fucking all of the castle staff isn't just a little fun!" Kiyoomi throws his arming the air to express his anger about it. Komori just smiled fondly on that night.

The king of Mujinazaka was not happy, with this lost Sakusa's kingdom the protection from them.

His farther and mother weren't happy either pushing the responsablity for Komori's action on him, instead of his Cousin the one who caused it all.

Though, Sakusa wasn't all that upset about it on the inside, as he had got to sleep with the prince that night. It was the best sex he had since loosing his purity to his old guard Iizuna Tsukasa, who was killed by his father when they had found the man in Sakusa's bed the 5th time.

"Plus, I kinda like this prince." he whispered, smiling to himself. But Komori saw it and made him a little guilty. He loves his cousin, and wants him to be happy. But Kiyoomi has always been a stuck up grumpy guy.

"Yeah okay, for you I'll behave." Komori said looking away from his cousin. 'Mostly'

"Alright, just let's go already." Sakusa stands from his seat patting down his yellow shirt, adjusting his black vest and tight pants.

Taking a breath, before the door opens and steps out leaving his cousin in carriage sighing as he got up and stepped out after him, reluctantly.

The two being greeted by the princes of the kingdom. Motoya was surprised to see them both in person. He had heard about them being twins and seen drawings of them in letters that Kiyoomi got from the blonde.
But he never thought of how identical they looked, besides the gold and silver dyed hair.

'You probably couldn't tell one from the other, unless you knew them well enough.'

The twins hold a hand out for the two, waiting for them to take them into the castle. Sakusa happily took the hand of the blonde prince, his cheeks dusted in pink as they started walking towards the giant wood and metal doors in front of them.

The silver twin know as Osamu held his hand out to Komori, who just starred at it for a moment. He sighs remembering this is just for his cousin. His hand falls into the other's and started walking together, up the stairs through doors.

"Look you can let go as soon as we are inside. I don't want to this either okay, but this is for my brother's and our own kingdom's sake okay." The silver hair prince says stepping with long strides to get them both out of this quicker.

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