2. Godfather and Gringotts

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It was two days before Lyra heard back from Sirius. Those two days were the most peace she's had from the Dursleys since she was dropped off there. Vernon was terrified that Sirius would come and murder him should he do anything against Lyra. And so, they had all decided that it was just best to leave her alone and ignore her existence.

Lyra was in the middle of doing her Charms essay when she heard the rustling of wings behind her. She turned around to see Hedwig settling on her perch with an envelope in her mouth. With a small smile, Lyra patted her head whilst taking the envelope from her. As promised, there were extra treats on her food tray. Two mice and a handful of pellets. Hedwig hooted softly before tucking into her food. Still smiling at her beloved owl, Lyra opened the letter.


What you're describing is disturbing. We all have impulsive decisions, but these do not sound like that at all. I have an idea of what could be happening. However, I pray to Mother Magic that I am wrong. Meet me tomorrow in Diagon Alley. Outside of Gringotts. Nine o'clock. I shall be in Snuffles form. We shall then head into Gringotts. Ask a teller to speak to the Black Family Account Manager. I shall come with you. Then hopefully, we shall know more. The Goblins won't say anything about me being there as they care only for gold, and not wizards. If you have to, threaten that walrus of an uncle, that if I don't get to see you tomorrow, I shall be making a personal appearance at their door.

Yes, I am safe and well before you worry.

Your Godfather,


The letter raised her spirits enormously. She would get to see Sirius again. And threaten her uncle. Lyra smirked and headed downstairs.

"Uncle Vernon?"

Said man grunted. She supposed that was the best she was getting out of him for now.

"I need to be in London tomorrow for 8:30. I'm meeting my Godfather. Would you be so kind as to drop me off? I'd hate to have to tell him I couldn't make it"

Vernon Dursley paled drastically. He gulped and nodded his assent.

"Excellent. I shall see you in the morning then" and with that, Lyra smiled at him and proceeded back up to her room to finish her Charms essay.


At 8:30, Vernon had dropped Lyra a street away from The Leaky Cauldron. She smiled as she bid him good day and told him she'd find her own way home. As soon as her hand left the car, her uncle was speeding away as if he was being chased by an angry mob.

In an effort to not be recognised, Lyra withdrew a cloak from the bag she had bought with her. As she entered the run-down pub, she lifted the hood of her cloak to hide her face. For some reason, Lyra thought she shouldn't bring her wand with her to this meeting. But that decision happened to leave her with no way of entering Diagon Alley. So, she made her way to the bar to speak to Tom, the owner The Leaky Cauldron. Since it was still early in the Summer, and in the day, he wasn't serving anyone as she approached.

"Excuse me sir, please can you open the way to Diagon Alley. It seems I left my wand at home" Lyra asked as politely as she could.

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