Chapter 17

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"I have an announcement, everyone" Luna called to the talking dragons. They quieted at once, their eyes severed to watch their queen come out of her den.

They all bowed in acknowledgment and waited expectantly for Luna to speak. She did so with a ruffle of her wings. "Windwhipper will leave the kingdom tonight with some of my guards. You will no longer have to fear this presence in the dark halls of our dungeons or his whispers. Today you will all be free. I hope you all forgive me for stalling so long, but it was for the best. That was all you might go back," Luna said, her voice calm as ice and no- argumentive.

Many dragons started whispering while most turned back to their meals and actions. Luna took a deep breath, feeling the decision's pressure slip from her shoulders. Finally, Toothless came over to her, twining their tails together. "You did good, Luna. I'm proud of you," he said. Luna smiled and sat still, embracing the one she loved the most.

She felt at peace once a week.

"shall we eat, too?" Toohless offered, and Luna nodded. Together teh two dragons walked to the basket filled with different fish that the humans and dragons had caught. Luan took a salmon, while Toothless took a cod. Then they walked over to a secluded place, sat down, and ate their fish peacefully. Luna felt so much better now that she was with Toothless. Hee made her calm and collected, just like a queen should be. She didn't know why or how he did it, but she was thankful for his presence.

"Luna?" Toothless asked after a while of silence. Luna turned to him, a smile coming over her snout. "yes, Tooth?" she crooned. Toothless dipped his head, and Luna could see his scales turning a darker shade of black, and she smiled. But soon, he steeled himself and said: "I want to tell you that... that I..." He seemed to trail off, thinking the better of what he was about to say. Luna waited patiently, hoping silently he was saying what she thought he was.

"I... I have feelings for you," he finally admitted, and Luna felt a rush of excitement bubble up in her tricking down to the tips of her wings. She smiled, leaning forward and touching noses with Toothless. "I do, too, Tooth," she said gently, her wings spreading around the Night Fury, hugging him close to her chest.

Toothless smiled, leaning into her warmth. So finally, they could come clear to each other that their secrets were no longer shackled by fear.

"do you... want to try as my mate?" Toothless rumbled at once, shying away as he clawed at his ears. "oh, that sounded so bad!" he wailed, making Luna chuckle, hugging him tight. "I would love to, Tooth," she said, her voice lilting with the weight of love.

Toothless smiled into her chest, his talons grasping for a hold of her scales. They sat together, content by each other's presence and bound for whatever was coming.

However bad it was, they would face it together.

new author note;

just Luna is my creation, and Windwhipper is as well.

The plotline twist at the end of this book is mine, but I do not claim how to train your dragon or any other cannon character you may see here.

That was all,

"Dragons and Legends...It would have been difficult for any man not to want to fight beside a dragon."
Patricia Briggs, 

The Shadow #2: Love and Royalty ✓Where stories live. Discover now