Chapter 3

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Luna let herself fly with the winds silently across the cloudy sky. Next to her, Hiccup and Toothless were both equally silent.

But after a while, Hiccup screamed, showing how angry he was. Toothless and Luna shared glances, and Toothless cooed to his rider, who sighed, "Don't worry, Toothless. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise," he said. Luna smiled, but then the smell of something---someone--- filtered to her, and she turned her gaze to the clouds below her that were billowing with movement.

In a snarl, she called out: "Who's there?" no one answered for a long moment, and Toothless flew closer to her friend, touching the tips of their wings together. Then as if made of a cloud, a dragon shot into the air as big as Luna's wing.

Luna roared as she saw a mannequin on the back of the dragon. Its four wings beat the air firmly and calmly. "who are you?" hissed the queen of dragons. The four-winged dragon cocked his head when he saw the dragon he had heard so much about. "I might ask the same of you, their majesty. Around Berk, you are rare," Luna snorted and lifted her head even though it was difficult while sweating on the present will. "What I'm doing here-" Luna's words were cut short when an unknown dragon suddenly grabbed Hiccup and let Toothless fall.

"Toothles!" Luna shouted and immediately, without any hesitation, spiraled down towards the freezing water. Soon, just before her beloved dragon hit the ice and would go through, he caught her with his hind claws and beat hard with his wings to stay up.

Even though she was strong didn't mean her enormous wings wouldn't get in her way. She hoped a more petite body would be faster for moments like this. But even though she was big didn't mean she was stupid, and with a flip in the air, Luna yanked Toothless out of her claws before catching him by the scruff of the neck.

Then she turned and flew all she could after the dragon pack that had taken Hiccup. It went faster than she thought, and soon she turned off to find another place to get in. She was too big.

Finally, she landed on the road and brought Toothless down. "stay here, Toothless. I'll get Hiccup," she said sternly, but she had an inkling that the young Night Fury wouldn't listen to her even if she wanted the best for him. So with those words, she slipped away and found a bigger hole in the ice where she could sneak in.

But what she found inside was not what she had intended.

Luna stares at the large nest filled with dragons of all kinds. This is the kind of nest she has been looking for.

A call is heard in the air, "Come to me, new blood" Luan spreads her wings again and flies towards the call. Soon she finds a sizeable hooved dragon lying in the water. The dragon turns towards her, and she dips her head. "A queen does not bow to an alpha." says the dragon in a kind, calm voice. All dragons have now noticed Luna, just like Hiccup and his mother, Valka.

valka gasps "is that-?" Hiccup smiles. "Yes, the queen of dragons. Her name is Luna." valka stares at Luna before the giant black dragon lowers herself down and nudges Hiccup. "you are unharmed," she says quietly. Hiccup smiles and scratches her head. "how did you call her?" valka tries again, but Hiccup shakes his head. "I haven't tamed her. We have a bond. But if you're going to say something about who brought her here, I think it's my dragon Toothless. Luna, where is he?" Luna sighed, spread her wings, flew out of the ice nest, found Toothless, and brought him back.

Hiccup and Toothless had a moment before he, too, was introduced to the alpha. Toothless bowed. Never before had he met a royal dragon. Redeateh had only been queen out of her own will. Not by the dragon's choice. "why don't you bow to the queen?" asks the alpha, whom we will call King. Toothless looks at Luna, but she shakes her head. "He is my equal. No equals bow to each other. what is your name, alpha?" King dips his head. "King.


Luna nods. "My name is luna. This is Toothless," she says. The dragons talk some more before Luna decides they should eat something. She turns to KKing, "You have eating times, right?" KKing nods. "come," he says and dives underwater. Toothless and many of the dragons follow.

Together they fly out in a large group hovering over the water, where soon King comes up with a mouthful of fish. He gives it to everyone, and soon there is a small res about catching the fish. Toothless for defiantly most but Luna for many too.

They soon land and eat the fish while Luna learns Cloudjumper, the four-winged dragon. "so you're the one everyone talks about, your grace? I thought you'd be... well, less so like a regular dragon. But I guess you're just enough. My name is Cloudjumper. I've been looking for you until I decided me and my rider should find the nest of the alpha and settle down. Sorry, we haven't gotten you home sooner."

Luna smiles. "I have a home: an island out at sea and, of course, wherever Toothless is," she says, giving Toothless a secret look. Cloudjumper sees it and flicks his tail. He's already fallen for her charm. There's no way out now. 

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