Chapter 20

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The kingdom was not ready to accept newcomers, but they did end well.

Soon as the new dragons bustled in, others and their Viking riders beckoned the dragons to their nests, allowed them to rest, and gave them food. Finally, Toothless came over to Luna, nuzzling her. "Will you tell me why you suddenly arrived with a herd of unknown dragons?" he asked gently, his tone lightly playful.

Luna flicked her tail at his tone. "I will. But not now; help the others to organize the dragons so they will each have food and a comfortable nest to rest. I will not have them complain when we have taken them in," she said. Toothless nodded and walked off, helping where he could. Luna watched it all, ensuring things were done right, and answered questions the best she could, promising she would give a more detailed explanation later.

Many dragons seemed satisfied with that. Then, except for one, a Rumblehorn called Dreadsmasher, some kin to the well-known Skullcrusher, called out his baritone voice scratchy with anger. "Why would we accept a new tribe!? Oh, wait, not one, but two! This is scandalizing!" he pushed past the guards that tried to cut off his path to the queen, but he growled, snapping at them, showing his girthy muscles that tripled under his scales.

In the end d, he came to Luna. He snapped at her, "Why have you allowed us to get infected like this? Why have you allowed our kingdom to be upsred!" Luna looked distastefully down at the Rumblehorn and thundered calmly back: "Because I am not a queen that lets dragons in need go unnoticed. I take them under my wing because that is what is right. If you disagree with me, it's fine, but go and challenge someone else instead of your queen," her words were gentle yet harsh, and warning zipped between her words making the burly dragon back off his head suddenly lowered as some trace enclosed him.

Luna knew that she had powers other than strength and agility. She was a queen therefor; she had the power of alpha. However, she meant to use it sparingly. She didn't even want to use her alpha powers, but Dreasmasher was annoying her, irking at her patience.

He should be happy she had let him live instead of snapping his neck there and ten. But as she said: she was not an unjust queen. She would let this slide in a way, but he learned his lesson for now.

With a lowered head, Dreadsmaser walked away, and Luna breathed out through her nostrils before ordering the dragons to continue.

This would be a long day.


soon enough, the two new tribes settled in and got relaxed. Luna felt so much better now that organizing everyone wasn't resting on her shoulders. Now she could cuddle up with Toothless.

With a heavy breath, the queen of dragons spread her wings, nodding a farewell to Stormfly, and ordered Hookfang to find Toothless and send him to her den. With that in mind, she felt her scales cooling down, her powers thrumming soothingly under her scales. When she arrived home, she drank from the shallow pond that had suddenly just appeared one day when Luna was sleeping. She just hoped it wasn't the rain coming through the cracks in teh cave, but luckily, it wasn't. It was the rose's thanks for saving it the last time she was there.

It was very generous of it.

The sound of talons woke luna from her slumber, and the queen looked up, smiling as she met the familiar green eyes of Toothless as he padded up to her, tucking in under her wing and cuddling up to her chest. "tiring day?" he asked blinking up at her through hazy eyes. Luna nodded, laying her head on the nest edge, bringing Toothless closer with the nudge of her talon as she hugged him close.

"I'm happy to have you here, Tooth. Thank you for being in my life," she breathed falling into the lull of sleep, not hearing what her mate whispered: "And so am I, my love"


the next day the two dragons woke with a start as a guard rushed into the cave. Luna hissed but straightened her posture, and Toothless stepped out of their nest. "what?" luna demanded as she saw the disturbed expression on the guard's face. "your highness. Stranger dragons are attacking us! They say they want the Runaways" The guard breathed his words, getting cut off by the violent spam of pain that shot through him as blood suddenly burst from a slash along his shoulder.

Luna leaped forward, steadying the Flame Whipper with her wings. "Hey! Easy, you're safe, and you'll get mended up. Tooth takes her to the Healers. I will go and advert the battle," she said. Toothless nodded, rushing out as Luna carried the bleeding dragon in her front talons, using the dual claws on her wings to walk.

Soon enough, she reached the cave where the healers were bustling about caring for wounded dragons that came in as streams. "tend to her," she told a nurse that walked past. She nodded, grabbing the smaller dragon in her wings and walking hurriedly over as Luna left the mountain and flew out into the frenzy where different scale colors of all the rainbow's colors seeped and flickered.

Luna slashed at one that looked like a bee hitting it in the chest and killing it. She winced. She hated killing it, and it brought back memories of her old self before she found the rose.

But she had to kill to save her kingdom.

Then with a great tremor, the queen of dragons flew into the fight. Her roars ever since, shaking the sky and earth.

We can only hope that she lives to this day...

Just Luna is my creation, and Windwhipper is as well.

The plotline twist at the end of this book is mine, but I do not claim how to train your dragon or any other cannon character you may see here.

That was all,

"Dragons and Legends...It would have been difficult for any man not to want to fight beside a dragon."
Patricia Briggs, 

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