Chapter 19

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Luna sat regally on her makeshift throne of branches woven together and stones with the soft blanket, ensuring her sitting spot was comfortable. This throne was Toothless' idea because 'a queen shall sit like a queen and have it comfortable he had rolled about. Luna, in the end, gave up and let him do whatever he pleased. She wouldn't sit on the throne too much after all.

"Queen Luna," called the deep voice of a Deadly Nadder male named Tumbletongue due to his habit of tumbling when he walked and spoke. You could recognize what he said; therefore, it was easy to hear or converse with him. He was pretty easygoing as well. "yes Tumbletongue?" Luna said, acknowledging the blue-red dragon who bowed his head in her presence.

"I have news from the coast," he grunted. Luna flicked a wing, a sign for him to continue. He did so with a fluttering cackling sound of his poison spikes. "our scouts have sighted teh coming of dragons from a faraway continent. They arrived at our beach just a few hours ago and wished to speak to you, your majesty," he said.

Luna flicked her tongue out and nodded her head. "alright. I'm coming." she stood up, her tall frame towering over the lean Nadder, who bowed, then turned and walked out of the room with the giant dragoness trailing. When they got out, they both took to the air, a contrast against the rising sun as their wings beat the air with steady power.

It would take some time to get to the coast, but this was what Luna had: time. She only had time.

When they arrived at the bay, Luna raised her chin even though her thoughts had begun to spin. In front of her on the beach were strange colored dragons, some wounded and some helping the hurt. A deep blue dragon came over to Luna, bowed, and said: "Thank you, your highness, for coming out here. We apologize for bursting in on you like this, but we need help," said the dragon. Luna looked at her, her eyes scanning.

It was no dragon Luna had ever seen or read about. "what are you'?" Luna mused, then heard she had spoken aloud and bit her lip. The blue dragon didnt seems offended in any way, though, and she smiled. "I'm a SeaWing from the continent of Phyrria. These dragons behind me are LeafWings and SilkWings. We have fled from our continent in the hope of peace. I will explain later, but we must get the wounded to a healer."

Luna hummed, spreading her wings. "Can they fly?" she asked calmly. The dragon looked bend her, meeting the eyes of a green dragon -- probably a LeafWing --- and the dragon nodded, coming over. "hey, your majesty." she greeted with a bow. Luna flicked an ear in greeting. "are you dragons strong enough to fly up?" she asked. The green dragon flicked her tail. "Some are the rest, no. We have to bear them on stretchers if we were to carry them up there" She pointed her snout at the mountain looming behind them.

Luna sighed, jumping into the air. "I will get the healers here. Stay here," she said to Tumbletounge, who dipped his head and spoke with the two females.

Meanwhile, Luna found herself in the Healer's cave, tapping her claws on the ground to gain the attention of the busying healers. Sapphire's lead Healer smiled at the queen. "ah, Queen Luna. Welcome. What can we help you with?" she said gently, and Luna smiled back. "there are dragons at the bay that needs your help. Come," she said, turning and slithering out of the Healer's cave, hearing the rumble of talons behind her.

When they returned to the bay, many newcomers were happy that there would be hope for them or surviving.

Luan overlooked all the Healers, ensuring that every dragon that was wounded and in need of anything got what they needed.

Then she sent Tumbletounge to get Toothless and Stormfly so they could also see those dragons that would be with them and deem if the choice was right or not.

Luna might be the queen, but she was just a queen and wanted to hear her dragons' opinions before deciding to involve them all.

I only hope I am doing what is right, she thought when she watched the blue-red nadder fly off, leaving her with a mass of nuzzling dragons.

Just Luna is my creation, and Windwhipper is as well.

The plotline twist at the end of this book is mine, but I do not claim how to train your dragon or any other cannon character you may see here.

That was all,

"Dragons and Legends...It would have been difficult for any man not to want to fight beside a dragon."
Patricia Briggs, 

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