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Luna hissed with fierce determination, her fangs glinting like swords or the deadly saberteeth of ancient beasts. Her adversary, the great dragon, merely chuckled, his iridescent wings catching the crimson light in a mesmerizing display. "Hah!" he laughed, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You won't escape me now, my dear. You shall accompany me, and together, we shall reign over the dragons in this kingdom. No one will dare defy us. You shall be my queen," he declared.

Luna hissed once more, her defiance ringing through the air. "Never!" Her tail lashed against a towering sea stack as she swooped down towards the water, her movements as wild and furious as a dragon's inferno. A resounding roar reverberated across the valley, and Luna quickened her pace, driven by the need to escape from her once loyal friend, Darkstalker, whose sanity was slipping away.

Returning home was not an option either, for he would surely find her there. Thus, she embarked on a perilous journey to the farthest reaches of the realm, seeking solace on a distant island, far removed from the Night Realm and the Nightwing she had believed she could trust—the one who had betrayed their pact by wielding his deadly magic against his own kin, slaying his own father.

The weight of that act would forever haunt her. Though Artic may not have been the most beloved dragon, he was still a member of their Nightwing community.

After a treacherous flight, Luna finally reached an island perched on the very edge of her endurance. A scream tore from her throat as her wings gave way, hurtling her towards the ground at a breakneck speed. But, just as the rock loomed, threatening her demise, a savior appeared.

A thunderous roar filled the air, echoing with fear and concern, and before Luna could meet her untimely end, she found herself cradled in strong, protective arms. Gasping for breath, she lay on the ground, her body trembling. "Are you alright? I heard your scream," a voice asked, and Luna mustered the strength to look up.

Before her stood a colossal Nightmare, with spiky horns and a striking crimson hue. "Y-yes," Luna stammered, gradually rising to her feet. The monstrous creature known as Titan smiled kindly, dipping his head in a gesture of reassurance. "I am Titan. Now, what brings you to these desolate lands?" Luna sighed, weariness evident in her voice. "I... I'd rather not speak of it." Understanding flickered in Titan's gaze as he swept a wing towards the towering volcano behind him.

"Come, I am certain Reddeath will allow you to seek refuge here for a while. You need only provide her with food or assist in capturing prey once you regain your strength. Come," he urged. Luna exhaled, a mix of uncertainty and gratitude swirling within her. It might not be an ideal situation, but it was the only lifeline she had in this moment.

And something, she reasoned, was certainly better than nothing.

The Shadow #2: Love and Royalty ✓Where stories live. Discover now