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This.... was NOT what I signed up for.

"Seriously... How could she think this was a good idea?" I complained the whole flight, but Kai was still smiling and still listened to my every complaint... the kid deserved a raise and as our plane touched down I felt really bad about being so damn difficult.
"I'm sorry." I said as we collected our carry-ons. He just chuckled.

"It was your first flight, I didn't mind. Besides, we're partners, work partners.... or.. sibling in laws as our new ID's tell." He laughed, finding our cover ID's and whole made up world quite hilarious. He had been tasked as the little brother of our Agent Hope.. who was posing as Jay. I... was his fiance'... or so I'd been told. We were on a family get-away and also supposed to be looking for places to hold our wedding. This was supposed the get Jay in with Milo who owned one of the biggest wedding venues here. I really hated the idea, but Mrs. H had informed us that we were needed nearby in order to help agent Hope take out these guys.... and she wanted these big bads more than the small flunkies who she insisted were not worth Agent Hope's time.
So here we were, walking through the airport after landing.

"Brother!" A familiar voice called after collecting our bags and making our way out. Kai smiled big and held his arms open. He hugged the taller man with long hair, I'd seen the man in pictures but didn't know he was as tall as he was, he moved from Kai and reached for me next. Only he picked me up, swung me around and kissed me. It was so random and unexpected. No tongue, thank god. But our lips pressed together and he pulled away when Kai groaned.
"Sorry, I missed my baby." Agent Hope said with a bright smile. He held me close to him and then took me by the hand and chatted with Kai and I, asking about our flight, and asking me if his little brother had annoyed me. I shook my head, still too shocked by the random kiss to really focus enough to form words with my mouth.
Both men exchanged whispers as they put our luggage in the trunk of the sports car Agent Hope was driving.
"I should have rented a more suitable car." Agent Hope said casually as he got into the drivers seat. Kai opened the passenger side, folded the front seat forward so he could climb into the back. He looked funny, squished and funny sitting in the quite small back seat that logically doesn't seem big enough to qualify to be a back seat. I got into the front seat and looked for how to move the seat forward. I found the buttons and moved the seat so Kai could have more leg room behind me. It didn't help much. We both put on our seatbelts and Agent Hope drove out of the parking spot.
"Sorry about all that. You never know who's watching. I've never been caught because I'm detail oriented. Know that now because you and I.... little 3rd eye, are going to have to kiss more and next time, I'm going to need you to act back. It's just a kiss... we'll practice later." He said and I felt my whole face flush. He luckily didn't seem to notice. Kai on the other hand, was stifling a chuckle as best as he could.

We pulled up to this overly fancy hotel, and I was confused.

"Wait... this isn't the hotel I booked you in?" I questioned.

"You're right, it's not. As I mentioned in my notes to you and Kai here... Riccardo owns this hotel and offered me his best suit. With an adjoining room as I told him my little brother was coming along as well. These people are family oriented, so all three of us are going to have to pull off some major acting skills." He replied as he parked the car in the parking garage.
"Now.... sweetheart, we have some acting to do till we're safe and sound in our room. So, try to think of your boyfriend or recall what you felt with an old lover, try to replicate that again so we can make it just enough to get you some practice." Agent Hope said, clearly annoyed. I nodded, trying to quickly mentally prepare myself for this role I was supposed to be playing.

"I can do this..." I muttered, clearly he heard me as he looked at me for a moment before rolling his eyes. We got out of the car. Agent Hope and Kai grabbed our bags and then Agent Hope took my hand and led me to the entrance from the car garage.

"Just smile pretty, and look at me like I'm your everything." Agent Hope said softly against my ear before placing a kiss just above my ear on the side of my head. His warm breath tickled but I did my best to maintain a smile and not react too much.
We had taken the elevator down to the lobby entrance. I tried to remember to smile, act, I tried to remember being in love with someone but it was difficult. I was still licking my wounds from my last relationship. Kai nudged me playfully, smiling brightly. He had an infectious child-like smile that I couldn't help but smile back at. If he could do this, I could do this... maybe. We got up to the counter and Agent Hope... Jay, did the talking.

"Hello, checking in." He smiled at the older woman behind the counter.

"Name please, Sir." She asked.

"Houston, Jason Houston. Boss man said it's one of your best suits?" he asked.

"Ah, Mr. Houston... and Mrs. Houston I presume." She smiled at me and I blushed involuntarily.

"Soon to be. Kind of what brings us out here with my little bro." Agent smiled and looked at Kai who playfully punched him in the shoulder. These two had it easy... for some reason. At least to me it seemed like it.

"Ah, Well it is our best. I hope you enjoy your stay and congratulations on your engagement." The woman smiled and looked at us lovingly.

"I'm sure we will, right sweetheart?" He looked at me softly and for a moment I remembered being looked at like that.

"Yes." I replied, looking into his eyes and seeing that look again... a look I was once given, I missed that look.

"Awww... Youthful love. Oh I wish you two the happiest marriage." The woman was giggling, giddy as she handed us our key card and provided a pamphlet of various things the hotel had going on for the week.
A bell boy came and collected our bags then showed us up to our room. We took a different elevator up to the 17th floor.

"This is one of our best private suits. This elevator is strictly for you, and staff if you order room service or any of our other services." The bell boy chimed as we got off the elevator. A marbled floor, and seating with a large set of double doors greeted us. Agent Hope used the key hard on the reader next to the door and the doors unlocked. The bell boy opened the doors and let us in first before wheeling the cart with our bags into the room.

"Thank you." Agent Hope said as he slipped the man some cash.

"No problem at all, Sir. Please, enjoy your stay." The young man unloaded our bags from the cart and then made his way out, letting us take in the suit for ourselves. From the fancy foyer, or entrance, there was a large living room and bar in front of us. To the right was a small kitchen area and a bathroom. There was also a bedroom on the right side too. To the left, was a work room or study room, and the main bedroom, with a private attached bath. Just beyond the living room in front of us was a set of double doors that led down to a private pool and hot tub. That room was entirely glass so one could enjoy the views.

"Wow..." I said without knowing as I looked around.

"Kai, you're to the left, me and girlie here are to the right. Come on. get your things... sweetheart." Agent hope seemed to be mocking me but I was entirely too caught up in this over-the-top hotel suit. He led me to the main bedroom and shut the door behind me. He took a device out of his bag and started to scan the room. I watched him silently, setting my bag down near a comfy looking chair that was in the bedroom.
Once he was done scanning he put the device away.
"Well that's good news. No bugs in here." He muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"Bugs? Like devices that would record us?" I questioned.

"Yes. You can never be too sure. There's still the possibility there are some out in the living area, but if I sweep for them all and remove them... it could look very suspicious. Since this is Riccardo's hotel, I don't want to disrupt the relationship I'm trying to build with him. Now... you need to work on your acting because when we're out there we're going to have to play the happy couple as well. Got it?" He informed me. I nodded, I didn't really have a choice.

"Then I'll set up my stuff in here." I said, pulling my suitcase with me to the corner of the room with the chair. I opened my suitcase and removed the laptop, and my other equipment I'd been given for a better portable setup. I hooked up everything, plugged in what needed to be and booted up the laptop. Once I had taken everything out and logged onto the laptop, I scooted the suitcase over.

"Not going to put your clothes away?" Agent Hope asked.

"I will, in a bit. Just need to get set up fully." I replied, tapping on the keyboard. He picked up my suitcase and set it on the bed and started to speak.

"Nope, no way.... this is just appalling. Nice underwear, shop in the elderly department?" I heard him comment and I looked up to see he'd been going through my clothes.

"HEY!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry but this is pretty much criminal. How can a woman lack in her clothing choices so badly? I mean... it's like you've given up. yet physically, you look like someone who wouldn't have an issue with self esteem." He said, striking a nerve with me.

"Excuse me? You know nothing about me, I'm sorry my clothing choices are not up to your standards. Some of us live in the real world, and don't have the luxury of spending... however you get paid for this job.... on luxury items and brands." I said, flustered and a little annoyed. He smirked at me and then grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of the seat.

"Then we need to remedy that. Because if you're going to pull off being mine, you're going to need to not just act the part, but look the part." He stated as he pulled me along behind him. We went into the living room area and he called for Kai.
"Kai! Hey little bro, we're going to go do some shopping. We'll be back later." He said with a smile. Kai nodded and chuckled a bit as he watched Agent Hope pull me along with him. I followed willingly, because fighting against this would be pointless. Also.. he might have had a point. If I'm not believable that could be my life, Kai's life, and his life in danger. I'd have to learn to adjust to this role. He made sure he held my hand like a proper boyfriend.. or fiance in this case, would. We exited the hotel and took his car to what clearly was the high end shopping district.
"Chanel should be good enough for now. Come on." He smiled and whispered close to my ear. "And remember, call me some cute name or Jay." He reminded me in a whisper. I wanted his warm breath to not have an affect on me.. but it did. His cologne also wasn't making it easy for me. We entered the store, women looked up and some shoppers eyed Agent Hope, giving smirks and smiles. Three women who were wearing name tags came up to us, smiling brightly and looking him up and down.
I get it, he's a good looking man, but... did they have to be so obvious?

"Hello Sir, How may we service you today." One of them smiled and the other two giggled a bit at her words. I rolled my eyes, I take back the rhetorical question of if they had to be so obvious.... clearly they had to be even more obvious.

"Yes, my fiance here will be needing more summery attire for our vacation. The silly that she is didn't pack anything fitting of the heat here." He smiled back at them while shaking his arm that was holding my hand, causing my arm to shake a little too. A cute, playful gesture, and I forced a smile. I'd been through this... being called silly, like I didn't know something.
I was supposed to be working on myself, bettering myself.

"Well if my Silly fiance here would have told me exactly where we were going, or at least telling me to pack more for the weather, then I wouldn't need new clothes." I pointed back at him, shaking my arm as he did. His smile faded for a moment then he smirked.

"Someone's feeling feisty." He grinned. "Ladies, please, I leave my fiance in your capable hands." He spoke as he released my hand from his and gently pushed me towards the three women who smiled and led me along with them. Another woman came out of nowhere and showed him over to some seats.
I was asked a ton of questions, from.. how did I meet him and where can they find a man like that, all the way to relevant questions like, what styles do I prefer, what colors do I like, and what's my usual size. They went to town, pulling item after item and pushing me and the clothes they chose into a dressing room. I heard them escort Agent Hope over and clearly he was sitting nearby to wait for me.
The first outfit was a pink coat dress that came down around my upper thighs. I wasn't used to wearing things like this, but as I looked in the mirror I noted that... I wasn't as unattractive as I'd thought. How could I think my ex was the only man who'd be attracted to me. I wanted to laugh at how dumb I'd been, to have not seen his cheating. I shook my head and readied myself.

"This one's kind of cute." I said as I pulled the curtain back.

"That's more like it. Keep in mind, youthful, sexy, you know.. the kind of things you usually wear for me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes again and went back into the dressing room to put on something else. I tried on and he willingly bought everything I tried on because he liked them. The only thing I tried on that I refused to let him see was a dress that was honestly way too showy. He led me over to the under garments section and left me alone to get new underwear.
I'd never worn a thong before, I preferred either high cut, or boyshorts cause they were cute. I found a couple of boyshort panties that had a different name though. Cheeky panties are what they called them. I grabbed a few, and a thong to try, and a few more boyshorts that seemed cute and comfy. After grabbing some shoes and accessories to go with each of the outfits he made me get, he charged it to his card and we walked out of there with some help from staff. After loading up his car we got in, he buckled me in as there were people passing and watching. He then reached his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss, this time it was an open mouth kiss, no tongue though. I didn't know what to do but he pulled away quickly and smirked.
"We really have to work on your kissing. Clearly the reason you don't have a boyfriend is because your kissing skills are lacking... severely." He said with a grin. I paused for a moment, I don't remember telling him I didn't have a boyfriend.
When we got back to the hotel I was flustered, as he insisted on us holding hands in the car, to get me used to the act. At stop lights he'd brush a few loose strands of my hair back, telling me this was to get me used to his touch. He'd also put his hand on my knee, and my shoulder, and around my waist as we walked.
The Bell boy helped bring all the bags up to our suit. Once in side our room I felt like I wanted to scream.

"This is ridiculous..." I muttered to myself.

"It is, but we have to go over the rules completely. So... Your name?" He asked. I looked at him and then realized what he was asking so I went to grab my ID and things from my suitcase.

"June Juniper." I said as I read the card. I blinked for a moment as I read it. Agent Hope was chuckling.

"Oh man.... I think the agency needs to hire a new ID specialist. That name is almost as bad as one of those porn name generators online... in fact I bet you'd have been given a better name by one of those." He kept chuckling. I sighed and rolled my eyes again, turning away from him.

"Well, it's what we have to work with. So let's just go with that. I think it's dumb that Kai gets to keep his first name." I grumbled.

"He's a rookie, more rookie than you apparently when it comes to answering by another name. They tested him, he's just too good of a guy." He shrugged.

"So you're saying you and I are not good people?" I turned to him, hands on my hips and questioned him. The look he gave me was intimidating. He started to stalk closer to me, the same intense expression... I didn't know what it was, I'd never been looked at like how he was looking at me. He wrapped his arms around my wais and pulled me against him. He then leaned down, his forehead pressed against mine as he spoke softly.

"We're just too naughty for this world, baby." He smirked and then press his lips to mine. I don't know what came over me but I actually responded this time, my body pressed closer and my lips moved with his. Still no tongue, but it was slowly getting heavier, deeper. And then I remembered who I am and where I was and I pushed myself away from him, nearly falling back onto the bed.

"I... uh.. we.. uh... I... I need to use the bathroom." I studdered, stumbled, and darted into the attached bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Take your time, but that was good. We need more of that. That's how you make them believe it." He called from the other side of the door. These were the rules... I had to do this. Because if I didn't, if someone ... one single person didn't believe it... all three of us could be dead.

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