For The Money

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Monday morning came too soon and I was in early as Kai had recommended. As expected he was already there waiting with coffee, and a breakfast bagel sandwich for me on my desk.

"Good morning team-mate. Have a good weekend?" He asked with a bright smile. I swear, this kid was unreal. His energy levels were too much this early... yet he was oddly so adorable and endearing.

"Good morning Kai. I had a good weekend, got to hang out with a friend." I replied as I set my bag down and took a seat.
"So, we know what the next assignment is?" I asked, This job might take some time for me to get used to, but I'm willing to try my best and keep a positive mind about all of it.

"Agent Hope's next mission is to infiltrate a villa, a home to this notorious mob boss named Sancho Milo, we only know he's currently in Rio at one of his casinos and that means he's most likely passing money through. He's a pretty big deal so we'll need to take our time with this one and make sure Agent hope is fully set. Agent Hope's going to need a flight, hotel reservations, and he'll need a few suits and a car. We also need to find him an escort, big money guys like this are never suspecting of someone with at least one woman on their arm. Of course that means potential distractions. Agent Hope is a bit of a lady's man so, finding someone shouldn't be too difficult.... but making sure she doesn't stalk him after is a high priority. Actually, I think we have the number of an ex Eye who can be his plus one. Angelina Rodrigo, her family lives in Rio, she should be there." Kai explains.

"Alright. Let's get the flight booked, and hotel." I said as I quickly sat at my desk, rolled up the sleeves of my soft, fuzzy periwinkle sweater and got right to work. Rio de Janeiro, a beautiful place according to google's search, certainly looked worthy of the tourists it attracts . It's rich in history, and culture that had me skim reading through so many links. I became very jealous that I.. a woman who had just broken up with the man who was supposed to be my husband... had never been off the east coast of my own country even. I made a mental note to save up if I could, and plan a trip somewhere exotic.

"Got the details of Mr. Milo and this 'party' he's throwing. He's looking for collectors, so he's opening his doors to new recruits." Kai said as he approached my desk with his tablet in his hand.

"Collectors?" I questioned while I looked up flights for Agent Hope.

"Yes, collectors. People he hires to shake down, or just collect this so-called tax he requires from everyone who owns a business on or near what he claims to be his property." Kai explained.

"That sounds so fucked up." I said, almost in disbelief.

"Yeah, but it's more common in a lot of places than you might think. Okay, so... he'll need to get an invite to this party... he'll have two weeks to get the invite, he can get the invite if we can get him to meet this man....." He showed me an image of a slender man, shades, blazer and black slacks who looked like every stereotypical mob lackey. I wouldn't even be shocked if his name was Riccardo.
"This is Riccardo Perez, he's an associate of Mr. Milo, we're not certain how he's connected but the two do a lot of business. Riccardo could be part of it but he's got a super squeaky clean record... he even gives monthly donations to an orphanage in Rio. That's what brings him there we think. He's expecting Agent Hope, We need to send him the confirmation once we get Hope's name screened. Which... I will do." Kai said with a grin.

"Alright, I'll continue booking things here. He's been given an alias already, I just got the email." I informed him.

"Good, read it off so I can do the next part."

"Mr. Jason Houston, goes by Jay." I said to him as I finished booking everything. Kai got to work on his end, and I made a call in to reserve a car for Agent Hope.
I compiled everything we had that Agent Hope needed, and sent it Agent Hope. I then sent a note to the finance team and let them know the currency Agent Hope would be needing, and which room he was staying in so that they could make sure he gets some cash.

Two hours after everything was sent off, Agent Hope made his check in call.

"Checking in, This everything?" He asked.

"Passport, ticket, ID, everything should be there." I tried to confirm with him.

"And the rest?" He asked.

"Waiting for you in your suite at the hotel, GPS should be set in the rental car, which will be waiting for you when you land." I replied, he gave a soft hum. His voice was something that I'd have to get used to... there's something oddly erotic in his serious tone.... or I'm just so deprived of male company in my bed that this man's voice was affecting me.

"I'll check in after the 11 hour flight." He disconnected the line when he was done speaking. I sighed, sitting back in my seat as Kai made a few notes and then moved back to his desk on the other side of our office.

"Is he always so serious?" I asked Kai, who nodded with a smile.

"Yup. He has to be, though. It's not an easy job, and it's mentally draining. He has to be in tip top mental shape in order to do what he does." Kai explained. It was reasonable. I imagine killing someone... even if that someone is a horrible person, would eat away at your mind. I could never do it, but then, I've never been put in a situation where I had to protect someone I love from being killed.... maybe in that moment I would end the person who was trying to kill my loved one.
I shook off the thoughts and focused on compiling the information needed. Agent Hope's check in call finally came late into the night. Kai and I were chugging coffee to keep awake.

"So I need to schmooze with this Riccardo? You didn't put any specific locations he frequents in your report." Agent Hope once again sounded irritated with me.

"I did, actually." I corrected him, knowing very well that I put the address of a bar and a strip club that he owns.
"Nope... not in here." he continued to push back.

"Under paragraph six, the whole second section on Riccardo. See? The club and the bar are mentioned there." I said, smiling to myselfing, knowing I was in the right.

"Uh huh, but no address, no details on these spots, no escape routes, nothing of actual use." He nearly growled.
"You dropped the ball... again. Strike two, newbie." He disconnected the call again and I ran my hands over my face, disappointed in myself for not being more thorough.
Kai and I went home for the night, only to return at 8am for a check in call. I was glad for a later check in, then again we were only an hour behind Rio's time zone, so that helped. After the check in, we prepared ourselves with coffee, energy drinks, water, and Kai brought some breakfast from the breakfast cart. This company hires caterers for everyone to share throughout the day.

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