Contact High

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I was right, the night progressed and Jay insisted on me sitting in his lap when we were sitting at the table, he insisted on dancing with me as close as humanly possible, and his hands rarely left my body. Either holding me by the waist, wrapping me up in his arms, or gripping my butt, the man just had to be touching me. And yes, this was all part of the act, the role. So all I could do and needed to do was remind myself it wasn't real, and that I needed to react and respond as any in-love fiance' would.

And somehow my body responded to everything it needed to, and my confidence in my ability to pull this off went up. The men around Agent Hope seemed to like how I kept my eyes on him and only him. I figured these were controlling men, men who thought that the ability to control everything you own.... and yes, yes that very much included women. Yep, the kind of men I seemed to attract most, the kind of men that always seemed to draw me in and then fuck me over.... Those are the kind of men I was putting on this show for.

"Jay, I gotta say... you have a lovely woman on your arm this evening." A man by the name of Kent Ross said as he eyed me up. I stayed as close as I could to Agent Hope, his arm wrapped around me as he held me close, in a way it felt like he was telling me not to panic. That he would protect me if I needed him to.

"Thanks, Kent. She is lovely, if she wasn't I wouldn't be marrying her. But we all need a good woman on our arm." Agent Hope responded. Ricardo came over and laughed loudly, throwing an arm over Kent and patting Agent Hope's shoulder.

"You're absolutely right my friend. And the good ones are so hard to come by. You got lucky." Riccardo said with a grin. Agent Hope smiled and nodded. The three got into talks of some sort of trade, and a shipment of something. Agent Hope was really good at his job, and I was seeing it first hand.

"Is she okay to hear this?" Kent asked as we followed Riccardo down the hall and to another room where, as luck would have it... Most of the men Agent Hope was trying to take down were gathered.

"She's fine, he's got her under control. Right?" Riccardo smiled.

"Oh yeah, my baby is a good girl. She knows how to behave and knows how to keep secrets when I tell her. Isn't that right, love?" Agent Hope smiled at me as he continued to hold me close as we walked.

"Of course, beloved." I smiled, blushing again because it was a little awkward but also, he was being flirty as he winked at me. He seemed to like my response as he kissed me while we walked.

"See, ain't they cute. I told you they were cute." Riccardo chuckled and elbowed Kent in jest. As we entered a room at the end of the hall, I knew I'd have to really do my best acting as soon as I saw who was in the room.

"Jay, you met Markus earlier, this is Ruben, he's a good friend too." Riccardo said as he motioned to the two men who were seated at the end of the room at a circular table.

"Pleasure." Jay said as he shook their hands, receiving nods from both of them.

"So you're Riccardo's guy. And the sweet looking Betty?" Ruben said, eyeing me up and down.

"Yes, my lovely Princess here." Agent Hope said as he pulled me close.

"Jay, why don't you let Kent here escort your lady back to the main party? We have some business to take care of." Markus said with a slight smile, he seemed to be trying to come off friendly.

"We do?" Riccardo asked, apparently he was out of the loop.

"Yeah, we do. It might be a little much for a pretty lady to handle." Markus replied.

"I'm sure it will be fine. She's seen quite a bit since she's met me." Jay replied, kissing me roughly, I reacted on instinct and went with it. The chuckles in the room faded and Markus spoke again.

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