Retirement Plans

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We returned to headquarters, cheers and champagne bottles popped for us as the whole headquarters seemed to cheer.

"Wow." Kai laughed, clearly feeling good and proud of himself. As he should. If not for him and Agent Hope I don't think I would have had the confidence to get through this mission. Mrs. H was waiting for us. Along with a group of other Agents, and support staff like me and Kai. There was a cake, champagne and little finger sandwiches waiting for us.

"Welcome back, and congratulations to you three." Mrs. H smiled brightly as she cheered us on. She kissed our cheeks and grinned wide. Clearly we'd made her proud.

"It was all these two." Agent Hope said with a bright smile right back at her.

"Well done. I knew you two would be the right fit for our star Agent." She smiled and laughed warmly.

"Retired, Agent." Agent Hope said with a smirk.

"You were serious?" Mrs. H asked.

"Aren't I always?" Agent Hope replied.

"Fair enough. Alright. We did make an agreement after all." Mrs. H grinned.

"And uh, her too. She's retiring with me." Agent Hope grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"But... we just hired her on, she's not-" Mrs. H's assistant, the man in the gray suit who was next to her chimed in.

"Oh, I don't care. She's coming with me. I can't have my girl working such a dangerous job." Agent Hope smirked and kissed my nose. Mrs. H sighed and smiled.

"Fine. But only because she just put her life on the line... which is a lot more than what 3rd eyes usually do." Mrs. H said, turning to her assistant. "Have everything drawn up, release forms and deposit the money into all three of their accounts. Uh.. Kai, are you planning to retire too?" Mrs. H asked.

"He's my fill in. He'd make an amazing Agent." Agent Hope spoke up, Kai's face lit up and he nodded.

"I'm more than willing to do my very best, Ma'am." Kai replied. Mrs. H nodded.

"Well then, we should begin briefing you... but after a well deserved rest." She smiled and patted Kai's shoulder.

"Of course, Ma'am." He chuckled. Agent Hope and I followed Mrs. H's assistant into the main office, where we were served some champagne and cake as we signed our forms. Mrs. H joined us later, offering her gratitude. Kai came up and gave us hugs.

"Oh, I uh.. booked that flight so you two might want to get out of here soon." He said with a smile.

"Thanks man. We'll keep in touch okay. And if you need us... call." Agent Hope told Kai.

"Yeah... I don't think I would have gotten through my first day without your optimism." I giggled as I hugged Kai.

"Don't mention it.... but you did kind of look like a deer caught up in the headlights." He laughed. I shook my head but laughed a bit, he had a point.

"We're going to get going. Remember... call if you need us. Hold this place down, okay?" Agent Hope said once more to Kai.

"Will do. Bye guys!" He smiled brightly and waved at us as we headed out together. In the parking garage was a very sleek red sports car. Hoseok opened the passenger door for me, got into the drivers side and pressed the ignition button. As it roared to life, he leaned over and took my lips with his.

"Come on pretty. We're going to have the much needed Vacation." He smirked. I giggled and nodded.

"Lead the way." I said. He chuckled and threw the gear in reverse, then into drive. We made our way onto the highway and headed to the hotel by the airport. We had a flight out late tonight, but this gave us some time for some alone time.
Much needed alone time.
We were giggling and laughing as we reached the hotel room on the 4th floor. Once inside, Hoseok set the bags down and just stood there, staring at me as he removed his shoes. I slipped out of my flats and looked back at him.

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