Shots Fired

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 Agent Hope was gone when I woke up the next morning. I got up and showered, dressed and joined Kai who was already in the living room, enjoying breakfast.

"Good morning." He grinned as he looked up from his laptop and greeted me. I smiled and nodded, still a bit groggy and feeling sore from the prior night's activities. I sat down and spaced out a bit, remembering every touch... every kiss of last night. It almost seemed like a dream, I doubt it would ever happen again.

"Morning." I replied to Kai, finally coming back to reality. Kai slid a tray of food on the coffee table over to me.

"Eat up. We got some stuff to go over." Kai said with a smile. I nodded and grabbed a wrapped breakfast roll and picked at some fruit while Kai explained things.

"Okay, so Agent Hope is with Markus and Riccardo this morning. After that, Markus will most likely check on his warehouse of product. Now... He's also got a shipment coming in, but he put some lackey on it." Kai smirked at this as he pulled up the location of the warehouse and hacked into the security system.

"That looks pretty bare bones as far as security goes." I said as I looked at the screen. Kai flipped through each camera and I stood firm on my statement.

"This is day crew.. night crew should be even less guards. If we get a sleeper drone into the warehouse with Agent Hope... he can ruin the product and take out the lackey. I don't think anyone would expect someone to do that, for starters the warehouse isn't close and I don't think many know about it. It should be low risk." Kai said after assessing it more.

"If this is possible.. then we should help him do it right?" I asked. "I mean... there won't be any reason to assume that Agent Hope was involved.. right?" I asked another question, curious of Kai's thoughts on this... after all, he'd known Agent Hope longer.

"He can handle this, and there might be information in the warehouse that could help us in the long run." Kai replied. With the idea on our minds, we started to look into the blueprints of the warehouse and Kai did some detailed mapping. We looked into employees that we managed to catch on the security cameras, most of these men were convicts or men who had gotten away with some pretty nasty things.
When Agent Hope returned, Kai and I told him about what we had found, and offered up our idea to him. He thought about it, eventually agreeing with us that using this take-down as a distraction might be in favor of Jay. It could also push things along so we won't need to be here as long as it could take to nab these criminals. After some food, we got geared up. I attached the tiny camera to the front of Agent Hope's tactical vest. He was busy putting in his in-ear com so Kai and I could hear him and talk to him.

"Don't forget to take pictures of what you can, and don't forget to look for anything we can use, any information or files from the office." Kai said. Agent Hope nodded before making sure he had everything. He exited the room as carefully as he could, it was late so he used the back stairs to get down to the first floor. Kai had hacked the cameras in the hotel and put them on loop so no one would see Agent Hope leaving the hotel.
Soon we could see everything in front of Agent Hope. Kai tapped away, bringing up the warehouse feed so we could monitor. I had the com on and open through the speakers Kai had handed me. It made it easier for both of us to hear him and speak to him.

"Coms on?" Agent Hope asked as he drove.

"Yeah, we're both right here." I replied.

"Good." It was the first time he seemed genuine about working with us... or maybe me. He seemed to like Kai anyway, which I guess made sense.

"Two guards around the back, they do have guns so be careful. They look to be patrolling but mostly staying at the back of the warehouse so... Ah, there's a narrow dirt road to the left, just before the warehouse. Pull in there and park. You'll have to get close by foot." Kai informed Agent Hope.

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