Chapter 17

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The next morning we got dressed and headed to principal Weems' office.

Standing at the door I turn to Xavier. "You ready" I look up at him. Taking a deep breath "yea"

Knocking on the door, we wait to hear a come in.

Holding hands we push the door open.

"Ah Sith, Xavier how lovely to see you this morning" principal Weems smiled at us from behind her computer.

"What can I do for you both?" She gestured to the seats in front of her desk.

Sitting down Xavier looks at me waiting to say it.

Looking at principle weems I take a deep breath and squeeze Xavier's hand for comfort.

"Um this probably isn't the best news" I scratch the back of my neck trying to think of what to say "not for us of course but you might find it an inconvenience"

I look over at Xavier asking for help.

"What Sith is trying to say is she's pregnant" Xavier looks at principal weems in the eyes.

Still holding her bright smile she looks between us.

"And what can I do for you both?" She crossed her hands in her lap.

Xavier and I looked at each other. "If it wouldn't be too much to ask we would like to remove the extra bed in Xavier's dorm" Principle Weems nodded

"I'm sure Ajax will be more than happy to help Xavier move the bed out" Xavier agreed to this and to move the bed right after school.

"I would also like Sith to move into my dorm fully" Xavier spoke firmly he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Laughing Weems crossed her arms over her chest "well that is to be expected Mr Thorpe, as for Sith you will need to tell your roommate of your new dorm arrangement" nodding "thank you principal Weems and if you could keep the news about me on the low that would be great"

Me and Xavier get up to leave the office "of course" we hear just as the doors close behind us.

"That went well" Xavier kissed the top of my head.

"I will see you later" I gave him a quick peck before heading to my first period.

When lunch came around I went toward the quad to find Xavier but got pulled off my pathway.

"Wednesday? what are you doing?" I looked at said girl but she just shoved a file in my chest.

"Her medical records"Wednesday pointed at the file "Weems?" I ask opening the file.

Sure enough it was. Looking through her listed species "shapeshifter" I whisper looking back up at Wednesday wide eyed.

"Rowen died in that forest and weems turn into him" Wednesday crossed her arms over her chest "I plan to confront weems after school today"

Nodding back I hand her the file "good luck let me know if you need help" I turn to leave and head back toward the quad.

Scanning the area I see Ajax, Enid and Xavier all sitting together. Heading over I sit next to Xavier.

"Hey baby where were you?" Xavier kissed my cheek wrapping his arm and my waist and hand in my stomach.

"Wednesday was right" I looked into his eyes trying to tell him without saying it in front of Enid and Ajax. "That's crazy" Xavier shook his head handing me his tray of food.

"Eat," he pointed at the food. "Wednesday? what she say" Enid looks at me and Xavier confused.

Shaking my head dismissively "nothing" I start to eat my food.

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