Volume III - Vacuum

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Book VI - Unto Cyprus

I - Totalitarianism of Man above the Rights of Animals

Then, there was occupation, and there was hostility which manifested and rumbled, for it would soon become something greater.

That which was given to Ephialtes, Commissar of the invasion of Cyprus, and greatest of the Members Minor, whilst the others who were at the council plotted within the small mainland, was read to him by Elven Aechemenides, who delivered the psychic manuscript from the , blotted forth by the minds of seers, and then Aechemenides recited to him, and said, "Forthwith, by the agreements of members major Linian, Troseus, Stathlinus, Severex, Kagan, Stasova, Baskivis, Prouhux, and the members minor of the assembly created amongst Elvenkind, in the lasting legacy of Hycattus, hence we instruct what needs to be done to ensure the stability of our state, and therefore enact these acts:

That one must be reminded of the integrity of all territories once belonging to the realm of the Elves, and henceforth take absolute power within them.

That one must prioritize the needs of the Elven above all others, for they are the native kin, and the requests of others, whether they be men or Fell, shall be ignored unless it benefits the elf.

Hence Ephialtis, assigned Commissar, therefore must enact a policy of purgings, wherein all local forms of authority among Cyprus shall be slain, and then the population will retract to servitude. A failure of Men, which then authority is challenged, shall be met with enough death so long as the labor of such Men is not hurt significantly, and one shall enact a new state of the Elvenkind..."

Ephialtis then nodded towards the courier-psionic's words, and said, "Yea, that shall be done." in a way detached yet knowledgeable, for he always knew what had to come.

And has his brow made wrinkles and then his eyes seemed more human, he began to wonder if somehow, there was a force out there, punishing what it deemed evil and rewarding what was good, but if that force were Tharizdun, it had already been crippled and now ran from its recovery on a single leg, as opposed to none and two. And thus it did not matter, and his hands were still somewhat clean, for he had many great works to do.

II - Acts

Men, women, and children were then put into chains and sent towards labor, and walked in long lines and ques with haggard faces, unsure and uncertain, but with the knowledge that the lost cohorts had been slain some days ago, and so therefore, Man's pride felt weak, and he lost his will as he decided to survive and survive only, and that became the last bulwark. Therein, in large tents they were indoctrinated as they chipped at stone and made machines of war and produce, and told they were, through rantings and recitals, which were memorized as their bones ached, as communities of mothers and fathers, poets, beggars who were swindled by the rich, and landlords who preyed on the poor were thus displaced and treated equally as by the Elven creed, and then were taught in their inferiority, as little children woke up in sweats and realized the inferiority of their own flesh, for inferiority had been taught as what inferiority was as its definition made through cruel whippings and tortures which Ephialtis oversaw in his reign, and thus he did this, and it seemed that there was nothing that could stop him, nothing but the aching which began to bother him, and disappoint him, as a child sees an officer whip a criminal to admit, when whether he knew or did not know was unclear, when the lines of cowardliness and humanity, and brutality and adamance blurred, and it seemed that almost, almost had they been erased completely, and what was on one side was equivalent to the other.

He began to cower and cover his head with his hands madly on his desk, almost as if expecting to be punished by some above force, but there was nothing, and nothing occurred to him. He was in a position, he realized, of utmost power, and there was no one that could disallow him, if he committed genocide or slaughter, slavery or the prostitution of women... the Elven would rise against him, and choose a new leader of course, but externally...

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