Volume IV - On Struggle

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Book VIII - Bismarck, Against Little Nationalism

I - What Polonius Did

In Hispania men were drafted, and in Gaul, Rome, and Sicilia, they formed lines and queues, for the poverty of the little men that could have been turned towards crime was directed towards faith. They had been indoctrinated by culture; those who labored fared better than those who indulged in crime after an Inquisition had been reformed and the Formatae slain, yet this was not a breach of trust but a sense of modernity. Men were paid wages, and if one enterprise was made obsolete by another, there would thus be a movement, and that was all. Yet, they were no mercenaries, for their options were limited by their knowledge, manipulated by their grief which was the capitalist rage that caused one to rise, and the hand that drove them was the one of the state, which imprinted itself as the course in culture, as schoolboys took to colleges as a golden path of orthodoxy.

In dark streets scraps of Fell presented itself, and were then hunted down, for Man's desire to rise and become great was overwhelmed by what could be easily achieved, as opposed to what was difficult. And so were the actions of the Polonius's Regime, which stayed the Fell, and stopped the cults from rising past the circles and sects they themselves were distracted from or could not see.

A young man, who had seen a few summers since his coming to the rough outside world and lived alone, in a vine-grown apartment of the fifth of the Via dei Panem, who worked as a clerk, received a letter of enlistment, and thus walked towards the center of town, tense with a a bright hue covered, and saw a cobbler whom he knew well, and talked with him.

The older man held two strange things, two white tan ones, flimsy yet elegant, incomplete in their back, and they were narrow as well, as if they were fitted for female feet. "What are they?", the recruit asked.

And the cobbler shrugged, for he had forgotten. And the shoes of ballerinas were then set aside for their deconstruction, and the two men who were once called French paid no heed.

What do the English know of Athelstan? What does the Mexican know of the Mayans, or their emperor, Yax K'uk 'Mo'? And what did the Russian know of Nicholas II? Fifty years could be five hundred. Napoleon was a fairy tale prince, and one only studied by the scholar, for the new French cared naught for the old after economics overrode culture, and thus, there were no Tunisians who prayed for Ba'al Hammon, and few sellers of baguettes in the streets Paris-Lyon.

II - Legitimacy

Thus Legatus Legionis Fulvanius, the Agrippa, left Rome with eight hundred warships and fifteen legions, a rough fifth of the combined forces of Polonius, for it seemed there was little land for hundreds of thousands of feet to be taken. They came from Germania, especially, to strip the Fell of any possible young men, but from Hispania and Gaul, and Italia as well.

Ephialtis's tests had failed, his experiments that were to lead to the conversion of the children of men to elves led to deformed aberrations, and he slew them as he sent nests of Planars toward them, black-clad seekers who bent space and location, or gave his kin arms in shotguns, and then, and then led them to long queues, where the twisted creatures, shivering from wretched red pain stood up meekly, for they expected harsh beatings if they refused, and were then shot in pits, and there they fell, with the bodies of the many children, deformed by innovation lay and bled. It made a thick air.

He was awoken by a shimmer, and came from his bare cell to observe. The wooden floor was what was commanded, for pride was given when one felt one was better than others.

Three beaches were set on by Rome, and there five legions came onto each, and set war onto them. Then great fireballs were fired on them by Elven circles who combined their strength, and storms were made that caused some ships to be lost at sea. Minds of captains were broken with psionic ability and they drifted, far away.

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