Volume XXI - Empire

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Book XXXIX - New Britannia

I - The Culture

What was the state? After the last Romans were disposed of, the Prophet had come to power!

So spoke the Prophet to the people again, "It is not in being that is true, for all being is false! Rather it is in doing and becoming towards something that we find meaning. That which is good is useless, but that which is becoming good, that you must aim for!"

So he spoke, and he had to make an ideology fitting that.

He was to make everyone an overhuman! Hence everyone had to be following an infinite goal of overcoming and making their own virtues!

He hated nationalism, for once he was gone, all men would try to achieve the Ideal of the nation. But he had no idea what else to do! So he spoke to himself, "Perhaps if I create a nation of achievement and die after I find a solution to the Ideal, a solution that is perfect and eternal, it will be fine. I cannot think of anything else."

Thus was his nation, and his sentiment was dissatisfied!

They were in a state of overcoming, but they would become fanatics after his death.

So he made the Kingdom of Britain again, and declared himself king, and the British were now the militant and the strong, and the loud-mouthed...

What was all of Italy? An inferior nation of outdated ways!

What were the Fell? A nation of orcs, that of barbarian and outdated nature!

Other men believed in gods! It was ridiculous, and they were better than them! What were they? 'Better than them.'

The land on the continent was meant to be conquered! The people of Britain were bound by fate to expand.

So was the Prophet, and he delivered fiery speeches to the people. But he looked at the beast he made.

What was he to do? Now he had made a fascist state to buy time for a solution! The people in his nation would now wish to enslave all that they saw beneath them! But still he wished for the overcoming of everyone!

Could he have declared everyone else unhuman? He refused to. If he did, why did he not simply make everyone but himself unhuman, and so overcome only for himself? But still there was a slave within him!

So he changed his creed, and spoke of the emancipation of all peoples! All were made to join his greater good, and they had deluded themselves into wanting something else.

So he spoke of global liberation, but what was he liberating from? The Ideal!

But still he was unhappy with this solution, although he had just conceived it in its purity! It was too perfect, and so his concept of perfection changed. What was he to do once he had conquered everyone? He did not know.

Could he make everyone delusional? Could he somehow create a false identity for everyone, so that everyone was a king in their own reality?

Was not reality made of senses? Then a machine that altered reality was the maker of reality! Yet it could not be reality, because reality could not be understood!

What was reality? Man printed number and object onto it, but what was it? No one could describe reality, and no one could describe description! They were all inventions of language.

But if Man made reality, would he not know reality? Then he would be the master of it, or grow to be!

So was he, and if Man made reality, then Man could master reality. Thus he could not turn to artificial realities made by opium, for they would be wholly overcome! Thus they would be an Ideal of finiteness.

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