The Future is West

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"Mary please!"


"C'mon Nugget, we have to go."

"NO! I don't want to leave." Sobs echoed through the door of the bathroom.

Frank groaned and hit his head on the door frame. The decision to move was not taken lightly but it was decided. "Mary, c'mon, please? I know it'll be tough but it's a new adventure."

The silence now coming from the bathroom is louder than the screaming. Frank knew he would be lucky if she got in the car let alone leaving on time. He needed to finish packing up before the movers came but Mary refused to let him into the bathroom.

"Still not letting you in?" Frank turned to see his nanny, Scott, leaning on the hallway, popping his gum.


"Told ya."

"Yeah, I know. I know." Frank rubbed his temples. "The movers will be here in an hour, I need to finish and then get us to the hotel before our flight tomorrow and she is being just like..."

"Your sister." Scott smiled. "Let me handle this while you make sure the suitcases are in the car. I brought some stuff to help us relax after she goes to bed." Scott squeezed Frank's shoulder. "Its gonna be ok."

"Thanks Scott." Frank turned to leave him to it as he made his way to his bedroom. Scott Evans had been a godsend since the day he turned up for his interview for the nanny position. Mary took to him immediately and became a friend to Frank at a time when he had felt so lost. Bonus points that Scott was a man as well, as a female nanny would have just made the situation worse. Frank was grateful that Scott was ok with relocating his life five years later to stay with him and Mary with their move to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles. City of Angels, Hollywood, movie stars and his new team, the Dodgers.

After five successful years with the Red Soxes, Los Angeles offered a monster of a deal. Ten years, $106 million dollars and a change that was needed. Frank talked to Steve, Scott and Andy, his now closest friends, and made the decision to move. He needed a fresh start, a chance to move on after the shit show five years earlier.

He had heard that Abby had graduated from medical school last year. Well, he watched it from the shadows. He snuck in to watched the girl that he still loved accomplish her dream and graduate with top honors from Harvard University Medical School. However much Abby's parents hated Frank for what he had done to their little girl, Frank insisted on paying for her schooling, keeping a promise he had made to her when he was drafted. He sent the money to her parents, and they made the payments.

But she had moved on, taking a medical residency outside of Boston for work. He didn't know where, so he took the time to move when he had the chance. Maybe he could stop loving her, finally. Maybe he could find happiness.

He kept his promise to himself in that no other woman made a permanent place in their hearts. Sure, Frank kept the carnal needs to flings on the road, Friday night fucks away from home, away from Mary. She didn't need the instability. She needed him to be present as she grew up. She was the only girl in his heart.

Apart from Abby.

He listened as Scott murmured to Mary, the door creak open and then Mary's face peak into his room. Frank didn't turn to face her, letting her get through her thoughts and emotions on her own, letting her decide when to speak. After a moment, she sniffled, and he turned. He watched as one solid tear ran down her cheek before he scooped her into his arms, and she cried. "I don't want to leave."

"I know Nugget. But I got traded and I can't leave you behind. I love you so much that I would never leave you behind."

She sobbed in his neck for a few more moments before he pulled her away. He inspected her blue eyes, eyes that had seen more than their fair share of heartbreak. "Is Scott going?" she asked again, needing to confirm that she was not losing everyone in her life.

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