Not Just A Pretty Face

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"Adler, I swear, taking you on as a client sounded like a good idea at the time," Andy said rubbing his temples. 

Frank paced in his home office, sipping a whiskey.  Abby had kicked him out of the hospital when it came time for some more test and a bath. When he began to object, she replied, "sweetheart, I love you but you will panic if you see my injuries right now and I have to remain calm. I promise to call as soon as its all over and you and Mary can come back." She made Johnny promise to stick with him and Johnny agreed as the Dodgers had the day off. 

"Andy, I promise to run all life altering decisions by you in the future," Frank deadpanned.  "Because, you know, I planned for my former best friend to fuck my sister and keep it a secret and for her to go along with it.  And then, hurt my wife and plan her assault." 

"Jesus, I was just making a joke," Andy replied, taking a sip of his own whiskey.  "Steve said he needs to know how you want to play this so he can get the PR team involved.  Todd said the same.  They have your backs.  I already filed the motions for the restraining orders." 

"Do you think the police can get us something of Mike's to get a DNA sample?"

"Not without probable cause.  Since there is no proof he was in the home at the time of the attacks, just Abby's word, I don't know if a judge will allow it." 

Johnny cleared his throat.  "What about his firm?" Andy looked at him.  "I mean, the law firm works for the Dodgers. They would be nervous to lose them as a client so they might cooperate and help." 

"That's not a bad idea."  Andy steepled his hands and pondered. "I doubt they would have anything with DNA on it, but they could co-sign a motion for evidence from the home as a means of showing full cooperation with the Dodgers.  Nice idea, Storm." 

"I'm not just a pretty face," Johnny smirked. 

Frank rolled his eyes.  "Ok, so a possible solution to one problem.  About the announcement..."

"Just post to social media like a normal person," Johnny said.  "I mean, get with the times." 

Andy nodded.  "I think that would be best.  We can ask Steve, but a simple post and photo should be good. Then Steve can control the post and stuff." 

"I'll talk to Cricket," Frank nodded, agreeing. "I think I know which photo I want to use.  And Steve can help with the wording." 

"Good," Andy replied.  "See, handling problems left and right.  Now about Abby's care..."

"I'm not leaving her," Frank interrupted. 

"Frankie, you have a contract you need to honor," Andy explained. 

"Andy, I can't.  She can't get around and... I'm her husband. I couldn't protect her, so I need to make amends with that." 

"Frank, it's not your fault," Johnny said. "You know this." 

"You don't get it.  My sister did this to her.  My former best friend did this to her.  THIS IS MY FAULT!"

Frank slumped into his chair as the panic squeezed his chest.  "Hey Frank, c'mon, breathe buddy," Johnny kneeled in front of Frank. "Take a deep breath. Abby is ok, she'll be all right.  We'll help take care of her, c'mon." 

"Johnny, fuck, she's hurting and if I hadn't screwed up then none of this would have happened.  She would have been here with me." 

"C'mon, pal," Andy said, squeezing his shoulder. "You were set up; we all know that.  The only people to blame are Mike and Diane.  I will throw the book at him man, but you need to do your job. Abby wouldn't want to see you like this." 

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